"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Monday, October 29, 2012

My newest addiction and Caleb's vacation....

The numbering my blog for a title didn't go over so well.

THIS is a juicy title isn't it?  YES, I have a new addiction, and it's called yahoo answers.  Have you ever done it?  I was asking a question on there (you know, medical advice), and then I got carried away answering questions.  I reached my limit yesterday...  seriously, they wouldn't allow to me answer anymore...

Here are some of my experiences so far on yahoo....

1. I've been surprised by the questions people ask.... there have just been some things where I'm disturbed they are seeking counsel from yahoo... like.. "My 2 year old son is currently choking, what should I do?"  OR "I cut my arm with a saw, and it's just hanging there, should I call the doctor?"  

2. I  LOVE answering the questions dealing with pregnancy/parenting.  It's just VERY interesting... and slightly frustrating.  Basically, I keep commenting on ones where people are asking everyone on yahoo if they should have an abortion or not.  There are surprisingly a lot of pro-life people on there.... I do this because you know, I'm a pro-life activist--even on yahoo answers!  =)

3. I answered a question on when to let your baby cry-- like a 6 week old.... and I gave a VERY reasonable answer from my beloved Babywise book... and SO many people hated it, that the comment was removed.


Seriously, I cannot get over it.  It's like.... why do people hate babywise so much?  Most of them have not read the book, I'm convinced.  It's almost as if people WANT to have a hard time putting their babies down.  Other answers were like this...

"It can be really unnerving for a baby to go to sleep safely in mommy's arms and then wake up in a strange place all by themselves.  They have no way of knowing that the strange place is a bassinet lovingly selected by mommy to be their very own bed."

awwwww....but not really.....

Or, my personal favorite

"Read about safe co-sleeping and during the day, nap with the baby"  


4.  I answered a question written by a girl asking why people hate Christians (she is one herself) and my response was that the gospel is offensive because there's only ONE way to heaven and you NEED Jesus to get there!  We have an ABSOLUTE truth and that goes completely against our current culture.  Anyway, so far 3 people have disliked my comment.  (Am I surprised? No.)  But don't worry, someone liked the comment that answered the question this way... 

"Because religion has done bad things." 

Enough about yahoo answers.

Let's talk about.... CALEB-- My big boy who I can hardly carry anymore!  Seriously, he's huge.  He doesn't look as heavy as he is. =)  Caleb, went to Grandpa and Grandma DY's house for FIVE days.  It was nice to have a break, but I was glad to get him back.

Ben and I went out on a few dates together while he was gone, and I was able to get more done around the house.  When we picked Caleb up last Thursday, we decided to go to Lincoln Park Zoo.

I forgot to take pictures the whole time until the very end when we went to the little kid part of the zoo... figures huh?

Here's Caleb playing with Grammy and the fake corn.

 He LOVED going up in the tractor! Or... whatever we were sitting in.  (I'm not a farm girl....)

And last, but CERTAINLY not least, and completely irrelevant to everything else in this post..... here is the AMAZING pumpkin that Dean Kuper, the brilliant artist made for Ben.

Isn't that incredible?!  Do you know who it is?  =)

It's John Calvin of course!

We leave for a THREE honking week vacation on Sunday after church (Lord willing).  It's going to be AMAZING-- 1 week in Jackson, and 2 weeks in Augusta.  I am so excited, I can hardly stand it! 



Saturday, October 6, 2012


My cousin encouraged me to start numbering my titles so I don't hate them as much.  We'll see how it goes.

I wrote a blog post a few days ago.... and then DELETED the whole honking thing.  That post was number 1....  It was terrible (not the post... the deleting experience.),  so I had to give it a few days before I was ready to try again.

I'm ready now.

Bible Trivia! BT-- What is the phrase that is repeated in Song of Solomon?!  (answer at the bottom)

Yesterday Ben and I hit up the Monroe, WI city-wide garage sales.  I saw a SUPER cute looking monkey book.  So, I grabbed it... without reading it.

BIG mistake.

Sit back, and enjoy the first few pages of the wretched book I purchased.

"Welcome! I'm orangutan... hello and how do you do?  We are both a kind of ape, so I look a bit like you!  Our cousins are the chimps they like to talk a lot, but I take things slowly, especially when it's hot.  I love lying back and relaxing on a tree, but people are chopping down the trees... it's so sad for me"

No. I'm not kidding. UM?  Can something be so horrendous it's funny?  Because, I'm laughing and am horrified at the same time...  Let's just say, I'll be reading the books before I buy them no matter how cute or innocent they look....

Moving on,

Caleb has been on the phone a lot lately.  He uses whatever he can get his hands on for a phone-- dish towels, my hands, his hands, his foot, the remote control, a brush, curling iron, banana... you name it..

Here he is on a very important phone call with the remote control.  He's finding out some interesting news I'm sure.

A few weeks ago, my mom and I went to the True woman conference in Indianapolis, Indiana.  It was.... FANTASTIC!

 Check out this room full of women (and there was a whole other side)!!!

Mom and I got to spend some quality time together =)  I would highly recommend that EVERYONE (well, all females) go the next time they have it... in 2 years?  If you feel crummy because you missed it, you can click here to view all the sessions for free!!  

 We have sooo many leaves in our yard right now.  Here is Caleb playing in them.  It was maybe more like... I put him in there, and tried to take his picture while he was desperately trying to get out.  He didn't really like it.  It was scary, but I let him take his baseball bat with him.

And, just for kicks, here's a picture of my sweet boy who wouldn't smile for any picture no matter how hilarious I was being.  He sneezed just before I snapped this....  apparently sneezing is funnier than mom- what?!

and, I have to leave you with a hilarious joke. 

What does a nosey pepper do?
Get's jalenpeno business.'

BHAHA!  (I got that from the Pioneer woman's website.)

BIBLE TRIVA ANSWER! -- "I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, that you not stir up or awaken love until it pleases"