"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Monday, December 10, 2012

Vacation and Caleb's accident....

I know, I know.  It's been FOREVER since I've updated.  I have a million excuses.  Well, mostly just three.  1. I was on vacation for three weeks... no blogging while on vacation, that's like an unspoken rule.  2. Our computer cord was broken so our computer had no power.... 3. My camera was at my mom's house.  Satisfied?

Now I have to do an update that covers A LOT of weeks.  So, beware of a long post!

I'll start with vacation.  We had a GREAT time seeing friends!  We first stopped in Memphis for a day and saw some friends, and then we headed to Jackson, MS.  Highlights of the trip were seeing people from the church we used to go to, staying with a good friend the whole time, and seeing the family I used to nanny for.

Here are the girls I used to nanny for.  We went to their house for dinner.

Getting Caleb and Presley to look at the camera was quite a chore.  This was the best one we had....  

And here is Ben fixing our headlight that was out.  Caleb enjoyed watching him and grocery shopping in the driveway.

My friend Meredith (where we stayed) had this little table and chairs that Caleb LOVED sitting in

And a broom that he loved "sweeping" with..... 

Next, we went to Augusta, GA!  We saw our friends THE GLEASONS!  They have 10 kids.  *gasp* (I'll just do it for you.)  Anyway they are a family we met while Ben was in seminary in Jackson, and they changed our lives .  Forever.  And ever. Amen.  They are totally amazing.  Do you think if you had 10 kids, you'd want THREE more people invading your space for a week and a half?  They did!  We played games every night and ate tons of food.  I seriously gained weight...  and want to know the AMAZING thing?  Caleb slept in till like.... 9am the ENTIRE time!!    It. was. awesome.  Maybe it's because we put him in the closet and it was pitch black...  (does that make me sound like a bad mom?)

Caleb was a bit overwhelemed with all the kids, but I think he started liking it towards the end.

I made pajama pants for Caleb while I was there.  I was so excited to make them and never whined about it at all...  or... something like that.  Anyway, Lisa (the mother) is my hero.  I'll post her blog on here once I figure out what it is.  She is an excellent seamstress...all of the sudden.  She is good at everything--  yep, one of those.

She's the one who taught me how to garage sale.... and nurse my child.... and make him sleep... and how to have people over and be hospitable... and she knows everything about everything.  It's because she homeschools....

I'm considering homeschooling because then I'll learn all the stuff I didn't learn while I was in school.  I found old report cards recently... and I'm pretty sure my gradeschool and high school life are summed up in this comment from a teacher in 8th grade.

"Melanie cares more about her social life than her school work"

And, that's why I didn't learn a honking thing.  DRAT.  After showing Ben some of my report cards and comments he said, "Maybe you should go to homeschool"  OUCH.

One day while we were there, we went to Charleston with the oldest Gleason girls.  Rachel and Lakey poo.  Laken is weird, but Rachel is really nice. HAHAHHAHA.  I only said that because I'm sure they'll read this.

We had a GREAT time together.
 Here we are just outside the restaurant we went to for lunch where all three girls ordered the same thing..... I can't help that they copied me.

Ok... fine, we copied Laken...

Enough about the trip!  Less than a week after we got home we were just relaxing on the couch.  C-dog (Caleb) was getting dangerously close to touching the nativity set we have on our TV stand.  So, we suggested that he go play in his playroom.  C-dog thought it was SUCH a great idea (mom and dad are SO smart) that he starting excitedly moving towards the playroom.  He tripped over a couch pillow and absolutly NAILED his mouth on the coffee table.


Seriously, I thought he was going to have a MAJOR injury.  Basically, he hit his left front tooth and bumped it BACK into his gum!  No, I also didn't know that could even happen.  So, we went to the ER and had them take a look at it.  Ben and I were both full of blood when we got there.  We were actually thinking they were going to question us or something, but they didn't.  Anyway, that was a Friday night, so we had to wait until Monday to go to the dentist since that's what the doc. suggested.

Apparently in 90% of cases, the tooth will come back down.  BUT, if it doesn't.... drum roll please... THEY'LL HAVE TO PULL IT!

THAT would be completely awful....because he's not even 2, and you don't lose your tooth until you're like... 7.  On the way to the hospital I was quoting scripture to Caleb.  "beauty is fleeting"  The Proverbs 31 woman is always a useful illustration...

Here is a picture of my toothless child.  Still cute?? I think so, but I usually start moaning when I see (or should I say, don't see) the tooth..

Hopefully I'll update a bit more regularly... you know, it's so easy around the holidays...