This morning Caleb asked me to push the button on my present. Translation: pretend you are pushing a button on the cabinet. Luckily, I'm a genius and knew what he was going for. When I pushed the "button" he started singing "Oh Christmas Tree"
It went like this....
"OH Christmas tree, OH Christmas tree I love your owa branches.. na na na naaaaa na na na na, na na na naaaaaa na na na na.. Oh Christmas tree oh Christmas I love your owa branches" (repeat)
We're really into Christmas over here I guess. Caleb asked Ben this morning if his favorite song was "Oh Come oh Come Emmanuel". And, he requested "Joy to the World" before bed the other night. We NEED summer to come ASAP! I don't want it to be Christmas anymore. Unfortunately not everyone in my neighborhood feels the same way since 90% (or so.... MAYBE a slight exaggeration...;) ) of the street still has Christmas decor up. What is going on!??! A couple weeks ago someone down a street near our house who had a huge display of reindeer going up in the air and santa on his sleigh finally took his decorations down. I thought that was pretty intense for mid-March, but maybe I'm just a scrooge.
I sent this picture to Ben while he was at work. He replied "WOW! Good job Caleb" I wrote back and said... "Actually, I made it" BAHHAHA! I felt ridiculous for sending it. I think I took it becuase I was playing with Caleb (sort of... I guess I was mostly playing with his blocks), and I thought Ben would like to see what we were doing??
I've APPEARED to be unmarried lately. My ring was waaay too big. Back in January it FLEW off my finger and landed in someone's driveway in the dark. That was the last straw. I hadn't been wearing it for a while already-- only when I went out, but after that I stopped wearing it completely. I hated not having it on. I finally got it resized, and it was soooooooo shiny and wonderful when I got it back. I forgot how much I love my ring.
Random: I don't know if you can tell in this picture-- but my pinky does not straighten.... it's really weird. There's my "something you didn't know about me" cool fact of the day.
This is how Ben was skyping his parents last weekend. I thought Grace up there was so cute, so I had to snap a picture. Aren't they precious? Caleb gets pretty hyper when they are on the computer and starts running around the living room like he's nuts. I think he thinks they can see him..... but with skype there's only a small area where they can see you. Ben sometimes draws a face on his finger and puts that in his parents' line of view. I think they love it.......
That's all.
Enjoy your weekend! I'm enjoying mine!