"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Friday, May 22, 2015

I'm BAAAAAAAccccck!

I'm back!  Back to my old stomppin grounds.  And, I'm glad.  Ask me why.  Thanks for asking!  Well, wordpress caused me a lot of problems.  I'm not very good with the computer overall, and I found it stressful.  Especially the tabs.  If you go to double dutch, you'll see all of Amanda's recipes under the recipe tab.  If you go to family, you'll see about four of mine.  This is because I didn't have the desire to figure out how to do it... and then after Amanda explained it I basically felt like... aint nobody got time fo dat!  Definitely not something I felt like doing. Amen? And, if blogging is stressful, it's not worth it.  Blogspot is the one for me.  Unless of course, someone wanted to do it all for me, and then Wordpress could be the one for me.  And last, and maybe most importantly, we felt like we were too different to blog together.  We had big dreams-- like doing meal planning and all sorts of things that we could do together, but it basically turned into Amanda's blog one day and Melanie's blog the next.  We don't want to be confusing.  Oh, and no one panic, we're still friends.

So, what's new around here? Welp, as you know, I'm stuck in glasses... SO I'm thinking I should get a second pair.  The other day when I was smothering Anna (as usual), she ripped my glasses off and held onto them with a pretty intense grip.  I try to be careful with my glasses... but there's no way I'm going to stop smooching my baby, and there's REALLY no way I'm going to remove my glasses each time I do it.  So, due to the frequent risk of breakage, I thought I should have a second pair.  I mean what would I do if my glasses were broken? I can wear contacts for approximately 3 hours (sometimes more, sometimes less), so I'd have that amount of time to get a new pair.  OR, I'd be confined to my bedroom until I could get a new pair since I can't see anything without them.  OR, depending on HOW they broke, I could probably tape them.  That'd be reeeaaaal cool.  I'd probably start a new trend though. Let's get real.

Anyway, so I decided to order some free tryons from Warby Parker.  They let you pick out five pairs of glasses and they ship them to you for free and then you ship them back... for free!!  I tried them, and those below were my favorite.  Ok, they weren't.  But, none of them worked out.  I might try again, but after the first time, I need a recovery period.

NIIIIICE! Eh?  Ok, they seriously looked WAY better on the model... I don't get it?? ;)  I know my hair looks bad, and I have no make up on, but I'm thinking that was only part of the issue... 

Then one night I was modeling the glasses to Ben, who shook his head no pretty violently every time I put a new pair on, and Caleb walked in.  He was supposed to be sleeping but obviously wasn't, and he thought he'd just join right in on our glasses party. "MOM! Can I try those ON!?" 

Thankfully he doesn't need glasses (yet), but isn't he cute in those? 
 The search continues.  We'll see if I ever find a pair I like (or Ben likes).

My birthday was a couple weeks ago, and my lovely parents took me and the kids out for lunch.  I chose Jimmy Johns because I love it.  We ate there, and they didn't have booster seats, high chairs, or eating utensils.  Uhh?? It actually went better than expected.  Gracie got to sit (well, more like stand) next to her best friend, Grammy.  Isn't that such a sweet picture!?! The two of them together makes my heart glad.  A few times Gracie has woken up saying "A papa n gam? a papa n gam?" I might prefer something like, "MOM!!!! I'm so glad to see YOU this morning!!!" But what can you do?

The other day when I got back from garage saling with my mom, Gracie came running out of the garage SOOO excited.  I was so happy to have such a wonderful response to my home-coming but then she ran right into Grammy's arms.  Stinker.  I think that puts me in 4th place.  Daddy, Grammy, Anna, Mommy.  Oh well, Caleb loves me enough for both of them.  Can you say mama's boy?! YIKES! Oh, and she's a mama's girl on Sunday mornings when I'm trying to drop her off in the nursery.  Usually Caleb is hanging on one leg and she's hanging on the other as I try to get Anna out of her carseat.  It's SO fun...

And speaking of mothering being SO fun sometimes, I recently listened to this Missional Mothering series on Revive our Hearts, and it was AWESOME!!!  I've been inspired in many ways.  Here's the link in case you missed it on Facebook. Missional mothering series that is totally honking awesome.  It was good for young moms, old moms, grandmas... anyone. Even non moms.  Seriously. Sit back and enjoy.  I was bawling my eyes out for part of it-- where the older kids talk about their mother during childhood.  It was so sweet.

I've been listening to Revive our hearts again a lot lately while I'm cleaning.  It's being double productive. I LOVE being productive.  WHICH is why I'm considering deleting my facebook account. I'm not sure yet, but I think I'm going to go for it soon.  I'd still blog though. But, I'm still thinking on the whole thing.

I'll leave you with this sweet picture.  LOOK, they're SHARING! I'm praying they are friends forever.

Alright, that's all for now.
It's good to be back on blogspot.