My Anna Sue is 1! And walking! You know how they go from just a few steps here and there to choosing to walk more than crawl? Yeah, that's what's happening here. I love seeing her walk all over. She seems too little to me, but I know she isn't. Saturday we had a birthday bash for her. (and this paragraph is centered even though it's making me CRAZY. It keeps going back to center after I change it! WAHHHH!!)
The picture below is seriously the best picture I got of her eating her cake. Awesome. You see, she didn't want to eat her lunch and she didn't want ANYTHING to do with her cake. Say WHAT?! I know, I was also confused. SO, when Ben was throwing up at 3 am, it hit me. "I guess she wasn't feeling well" Maybe Nannos can have some birthday cake later after this goofy stomach bug leaves our house. I didn't get a picture of her cake. I don't know what I was thinking-- not that it was super beautiful or anything, I just like to have record of that.
When it was time to open presents, Anna cared for about... 1 second. The good news is that both Caleb and Grace cared enough for all three of them. They wanted to "help" Anna. While they were helping, Anna went elsewhere to play with a lamp or something.

She was in a new location for her next present. I think her favorite part of any of her gifts was the tag that came on her new outfit.
And, here's Caleb playing with Anna's present next to my Auntie Ellie and Grandma. He played with her present for most of the evening too.
Lately we've been noticing a little bit of jealousy between our girls. Uh oh. It's begun!?!? Anyway, when one is by Ben, the other one has to be too. If Ben talks to one, the other comes running over (or walking in Anna's case). And, if Ben puts one down, the other is happy to be put down as well. AND, they don't care about Caleb being by either of us.... isn't THAT interesting? The good news? I think Ben loves it. Even though he said he never ever wanted a daughter (ahem, rude!), he loooooooooooves having girls. And look how they love him. It's very, very sweet.
Oh, and then Caleb wanted to get in on the action. Annnnd.... he's the only one posing. I can't WAIT to take a picture for Christmas this year!!! (NOT!!!)
So, a while back, I went to Michigan to visit my friend Katie (who recently had a baby) with my friend Libby. Since Libby is a super artist, I decided to ask her for HELP in making my..... wait for it.... FRUIT TREE!
You know how I LOVE Reviveourhearts, right??(and if you haven't visited it, DO IT!) Well, one day I was listening and a lady that Nancy Leigh De Moss (although she has a new name now since she got married on Saturday) was interviewing was saying that she made her kids a fruit tree. Whenever they showed fruit, they got to put a piece on the tree. And I thought, BRILLIANT! What a great and fun idea! Since I knew I wouldn't be able to make a tree OR fruit very well, I asked super Libby for help. And, she nailed it.
The trunk is white because they didn't have brown poster board at the dollar store in case you're wondering. Isn't it beautiful!? Those little white things are velcro. Libby gave me the wonderful idea of laminating the fruit pieces and putting velcro on them so they don't get all bent after the first time. I'm SO glad she thought of that, or we'd need to make new fruit weekly.
I set to work with my coffee and laminated away. (Side note! Behind my coffee mug you'll see Bentonite Clay, which I also never heard of (HAHA!) until I googled homemade diaper rash cream and made it from THIS site. It works well! Anna has issues, which is why I did it in the first place)
And there's the fruit! The beautiful ones are ones that Libby made. The ones that look like they have butt cracks, I take the credit for.....
Anyway, I love it. The kids really like putting fruit on the tree, and I like being able to point out when they have self control, or are kind etc. I think we'll start over every week (as in take all the fruit off). And, we don't keep track of who gets how many up there. I want them to be excited to fill the tree up together and to encourage one another-- spur each other on! Amen?!
Speaking of trees, with the snow yesterday, and my playing Christmas music while making dinner.... we just HAD to take out the decorations. (And, I know there are only 4 stockings. I have to get another one of those holder things.) This will be where we are all Winter. It's SO COZY! This is the first year we put the tree in our family room and I love it next to the fire.
We (or Ben) had to vacuum after we (or....Ben) put the Christmas tree up. Since my back is still broken (UGH!), Ben is kind enough to help me out here and there... and everywhere.
Here Ben is explaining to me how incredibly MANLY he is for vacuuming the floor especially with his newly grown in facial hair. (I actually kind of like it). Anyway, he's the best.
If you're looking for a gift for your children, or grandchildren, or nieces or nephews or your neighbor kids, you should consider buying "What's in the Bible" dvd's. I believe I've talked about them before... at least once. Click HERE to see what they are. I'm not sure the best place to buy. They are SO SO SO SO SO good, and Caleb LOVES them. These are pretty much the only things he's watched lately (except we DID watch Frosty the Snowman today). Today at supper he asked me what a lament was. And then answered "It's a sad song mom. Dad, are there laments in Psalms?" I can guarantee I didn't ask that question when I was 4 (and I'm pretty sure he already knew the answer). Anyway, the point is, these movies are teaching him all kinds of neat things about the Bible, and I even learn from them when I watch. Plus they are hilarious.
Kind of like this joke I'll tell you.
What time is it when you have to go to the dentist?
I know. Hilarious.
Alright, that's all. Next time maybe I'll write about our trip to the Smokies last week!