"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Some catch up.

So what's new since April?! Yikes!

I got strep FIVE times from Feb-June.  Caleb also got strep 4-5 times during that time also and ended up getting his tonsils out in late July.  After 3 health professionals (including one naturally minded) told me that it was time for them to go, I had confidence that it was the best thing for him.  My mom had taken Caleb to the ENT the final time he was sick. (I was sick and at the doctor myself, so I couldn't go), and she booked an appt for the first date they were available to do surgery.  I was antsy to get it over with, so I was glad. BUT, that meant that Ben was out of town for it.  So, I brought my BABY to the surgery center alone, and when they took him away on the rolling bed, I bawled my eyes out.  The nurse hugged me and told me I was "normal". She also told me to go get something to eat and drink in the waiting room.  I felt like an idiot for bawling especially since the other mothers seemed to be managing just fine...AND because she was telling me to eat/drink as if I was the patient. HA! Here's Caleb before they gave him the loopy drugs. I'd say he was handling it like a total CHAMP! 

and here's after the loopy drugs (before surgery just to calm him down)..... 

The surgery went well.  Surgery was at 7am and we were HOME by 9:30am.  It was crazy.  In the car Caleb was talking to me, and later that morning I had to yell "STOOOOOOOOOP" when I caught him eating pretzels. AHHHH! We were having a garage sale at the same time (I know, brilliant), and another kid was over watching a movie with Caleb...and he was generous in sharing his snack.  

Anyway, this whole strep thing has really given me more compassion and adoration? for families who have children with medical problems.  I was SO WEARY from all of this, and the constant medical bills is/was INSANE.  So, I can't even imagine what it would be like to have more serious surgeries, more doctor's appointments, and more medical bills.  Hats off to you parents where this is normal for you.  God was very kind to me during this whole strep saga (also affectionally called the Kappers' family health disaster), and I'm very grateful for that.  Also, there's really no reason why the crazy strep cycle stopped, so I'm just praising God for ending it!! And, I'm so thankful for sweet friends/church people/parents who helped me during all of our sickness etc.  

Caleb's job is to unload the dishwasher.  Grace helps too, but it's mainly Caleb's job. A few times this summer he had friends over when the dishwasher needed unloading.  The first time I asked him to do it, he asked his friend if he would like to help him.  The friend agreed and together they unloaded the dishwasher while chatting about where things went and how tall the other kid was because he could actually reach the place where the plates went.  A few days passed, and it happened again.  This time when I said the dishwasher needed to be unloaded, they both jumped up to help.  The boy had a sister who was also over, and she said it was time to go home.  He said "OK, but let me finish unloading first" I heard later that when his sister got home his parents asked where her brother was.  She said "He's unloading the dishwasher at Caleb's house" HAHAHHAHHAHA.  Apparently his dad said "He's doing WHAT?!"  Anyway, I talked to his mom about it because I didn't want her to think I was forcing him to work at my house, but she was perfectly pleased that he was helping around our house. His friends have also helped him sweep, and every time I have little children happily cleaning, my heart sings, and I start laughing.  

Caleb never seems to have a shirt on.  I'm not sure why, and I usually don't even notice until company comes over, or I post a picture on my blog.  Oops..... 

We went to the zoo a couple times this summer, and here's an awesome photo.  I'll call this one "Crabby mom telling children to smile and move from behind the stroller while mother-in-law takes a picture of her fingers" 

A goal in life for me is to wake early before the kids do and spend time in the Word and in prayer.  I also want to be the parent who is awake before the kids, so my kids don't remember their lazy mom always being in bed when they wake up. Silly? Maybe.  Anyway, I've been waking early, but not early enough BECAUSE lately, I almost always have an Anna joining me...  And while the rule is that the kids don't get out of bed until 7:00 (seven dot dot zero zero.) Anna is still lacking in the self control department, and I'd rather have her reading by me than waking up her siblings.  We'll work on that.  So here she is visiting me, a common occurrence.  And sometimes Caleb gets up early, and we'll pray together, which is basically the sweetest thing in the entire world.... except that my read through the Bible in a year schedule suffers.  

Caleb was invited to our neighbor's birthday party at Munster pool, but it was two days after his surgery and he couldn't go.  They gave him a goody bag anyway, which was really sweet.  It had cherry pepsi "chapstick" in it...... it looks like he got into my make up bag, but rest assured, he didn't. 

That's a picture of him at the Railcats game the kid's earned tickets to at the library, and it was very fun!

We went to the splash pad the other day, and Drewbie loved it!! He got soaking wet and had no trouble!!! YESSS!!! Doesn't he look tiny crawling through there!? He's WALKING by the way.  Still crawls more than walks, but he's definitely choosing to walk more.  Yay! I love when kids walk because then my poor back doesn't need to suffer hauling them around everywhere! 

And here's a random picture to leave you with.  They were standing there snuggling like this, and I just thought it was the sweetest. 

Oh actually, go read "Hiding Place". I just finished it (haven't read it in years), and it's SO GOOD!!!

Over and out,

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Vacation, dentist, illness & super Ben

Lately I haven't felt like I have had any time to write here.  But, thanks to strep, I have nothing better to do!  Strep is a beast.  I don't want to ever ever ever get it again. I wish you could become immune to it once you had it.  Wouldn't that be SO great?! Then you wouldn't get it a month after you already had it...

Let's not talk about sickness anymore, it makes me crazy.  We should talk about vacation instead!!!  We went on a trip to Florida.  But we took the long way by stopping overnight at Ben's parent's house in NC and then to Augusta, GA for a few days to visit friends we met in seminary, and on the way home stopping in Mississippi to see friends from when we lived there and Ben's sister.  We had a BLAST.

Here are some highlights...  I painted Grace's toenails for the first time EVER on the trip! It was super fun... but in the last 10 minutes a friend posted THIS on facebook and took all the fun out of it. Ignorance is bliss!! Wah.

I love Grace's smile in the picture below. She was trying SO hard.  She loves wearing dresses. I think I have two girly-girls on my hands.  

Anna Sue was getting pretty brave jumping in the pool.  Grace got brave too.  So brave, in fact, that she went in without her puddle jumper. Since she was just on the stairs, I thought it was no big deal.  You know, my firstborn would NEVER ever consider doing anything remotely dangerous.  But Gracie kept on walking down until her head was underwater, and she was struggling.   I had to jump in and rescue her.  You know, I was basically a day saver.  It was about 60 degrees out, and I had been in the hot tub.  The good news is that the pool was heated to 87 degrees.  I'd like to say she won't do that again, but who knows with that silly girl. 

Here we are, all 6 of us heading to the pool.  Notice the park behind me, that was basically in our backyard!! 

We let the kids watch a movie one night, and you can see they were REALLY into it.... must.stop.sucking.fingers.

Naturally there was a cold spell in Florida for a number of the days we were there. And, the day we went to the beach it was reeeeaaaallly cold and windy.  The bigger kids made the best of it and still enjoyed playing in the sand.  

Mom, Ben and I traded off holding Drew and tried to rescue him from the fierce winds. Since Drewbie thrives on being touched, he was basically in heaven while being smothered.

Grace loooooved wearing her shades.

We left the beach after not too long, and went to the park that was nearby.  It warmed up a bit as the sun came out more, and the kids had a lot of fun! 

   We HAD to have them get a picture in their matching outfits.  

I just thought this picture was hilarious.  This is what you get when you try to take a picture of 4 kids 5 and under.... 

We had so much fun swimming together!! And we were SO thankful for the heated pool because it allowed us to swim even when the weather wasn't warm!

So, overall we had a GREAT trip.  It was super fun to be together for two weeks straight and to have no one sick!!! We really enjoyed seeing old friends too.  It was a very, very refreshing time for both Ben and me. 

A while back I posted a picture on facebook of the four kids, but I thought I'd share this one now because Andrew looks so cute here even though Anna isn't smiling.. or sitting up.. and her diaper is hanging out.  But seriously, how amazing would this picture have been if Anna had been looking!?! Dah! 

A couple weeks ago we were sick with some 24 hr stomach bug (which I would take ANY day over strep).  We are getting REALLY good at getting sick.  I'm thinking our finger sucking addiction is causing some of this... it's certainly not helping, that's for sure! Anyway, we think Drew may have started it but aren't sure.  It went through Anna, then Grace, then me, then Caleb.  And we were all better thinking it was over, and then it hit Ben.  I had told Ben I wanted him to take the kids to the dentist because I thought it'd be a fairly traumatic experience, and I have this amazing ability to handicap our children with my very presence.  Unfortunately, he was ill, so I had to take them.  Grace was a CHAMPION! 

Caleb refused to leave the waiting room with me and Grace, so I had to leave him there by himself while Grace and I went ahead in.  I didn't want to have to perform some crazy dragging screaming kid maneuver to get him in the room. Of course when he went with Ben 6 months ago, he had no trouble (Remember, I handicap them with my presence?).  Anyway, after Grace was settled in, I made my way back to the waiting room and convinced Caleb it was a brilliant idea to see the dentist.  He chilled out pretty quickly. Both kids were a bit freaked out about the chair moving every which way. 

So, Drewbie loves me.  The most.  In fact, I think he loves me more than any other kid has ever loved me at this age.  He will be fine until I walk in a room, and then he will be immediately fussy until I hold him.  Sometimes his love for me gets out of hand though.... Like when he is attacking my face with kisses and pulling my hair and glasses off.  Although slightly uncomfortable, it's pretty stinking sweet to get Drewbie kisses.

 Caleb and I are still plugging away with school.  We are doing "Peter and the Wolf" for music, and it's SO fun!! We have cut outs of all the characters and what instruments the different characters are.  When we went to the Seven Last Words performance last Sunday, Caleb recognized the flute playing and immediately told me it was the bird from Peter and the Wolf.  I loved that!

This little guy has been crawling for a little under a month now, and he's getting pretty fast.  He's only fallen down the stairs once so far (well really like one and a half times.).....oops.  Thankfully just the stairs by the front door.  And he hardly cried.  Stop judging me. 

I'll end with this.  I took this today while I was laying in bed.. you know, since that's all I've been doing the past couple of days.  I think they were discussing how they were going to make it through another day of mom being down. ;) They've been bonding the last few days.

Over and out!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Clean kitchen, thrush, sickness, wipes, math, prayers & a video

First things first.  I made 6 goals for the new year, and so far, it's going quite well.  My new handy dandy planner helps me keep track of what my goals are and if I'm staying on track.  Otherwise, I'm sure I would have forgotten by now. Did you make any goals?  One of my goals this year is to go to bed with a clean kitchen.  It's been life changing.  Oh, you always go to bed with a clean kitchen?? Don't steal my joy ;).  For those of you who don't know, when you wake up to a clean kitchen every morning, it's an AMAZING start to the day.  So at night, when the last thing I feel like doing is cleaning the kitchen--aka clearing the counters that seem to always pile up with STUFF, I do. And I'm always, always, always glad the next day. And so is Ben. I've been quite surprised at how easy it's been too.  It's so nice to have little victories like that, you know, small things that make a big difference.

I've been battling thrush for a while now.  And let me tell you, its been horrible.  It's excruciatingly painful.  I was completely dreading nursing Drew for TWO weeks, and that's so sad!  Thanks to Dr. google, I was able to self-diagnose.  The problem though, is when your child doesn't have symptoms, no one believes you have thrush.  So there I sat, eating raw garlic, applying coconut oil, writhing in pain on my bed, and reading stories of other women with my same issue whose child showed no symptoms.  And I smelled.  Although--side note-- I did google the health benefits of eating raw garlic, and I'm pretty convinced we all should be doing it.  We'd be way healthier, AND, if everyone is eating garlic, I bet we wouldn't smell it. ;) Anyway, I eventually threatened my pediatrician and was able to get Drew medicated along with myself.  The last few days I've been experiencing relief, and it's AMAZING.  My life for a few weeks has been constantly boiling pacifiers and washing sheets and clothes in hot water.

I made wipes the other day because I thought they'd be easier on Drewbie's toosh.  It was QUITE easy, and they work just like regular wipes! It's thrilling, really.  See how they're attached?! They just rip apart. Isn't that cool!?

We've been confined to our house for a while now with sickness.  There must be some nasty cold viruses going around.  Anna had it first, now Drew, and Grace has a mild version.  Praise God for podcasts. It makes being stuck home a bit easier. (Although missing church two weeks in a row is the worst!! =( ) If your kids are also sick, and you want some encouragement as a mother, I've been really enjoying THESE podcasts while I clean out my basement.. and kitchen cabinets, and every other space in my home.  Anyone else have the clean-out itch?! And, if you want to hear some killer sermons, I've been loving my husband's James series, which you can find HERE.  And I'm not just saying that because it's Valentine's Day. 

School is going well with Caleb.  I am super thrilled with his ability to read and his love for reading.  The other day I started feeling like I was making school not nearly as fun as I should be, so I decided that we would play Monopoly Jr. for math.  I think it's brilliant because he has to make change and figure out how much to pay etc. PLUS, learn the skill of being a good loser.  We're working on that.... 

The other day I got this GREAT idea from another mom.  She said she put names on craft sticks and put them in a jar and she and her kids pick them out and pray for those whose names are picked.  UM, yes please!! I had Caleb help me write, as you can probably tell below, and we all named people we thought we should pray for. (Caleb can write better than it appears, don't panic)

 Our routine is every morning after breakfast the kids and I read out of whatever story Bible we're reading, (THIS one is our favorite), do our memory work  (currently Psalm 145) and then often have prayer requests before we close in prayer and sing a song.  The prayer requests were getting a bit....... repetitive (For example, Grace only wants to pray for a certain 3 little girls from church). So I thought this would be a GREAT way to pray for other people and to help my kids be familiar with and love praying for others! I have them choose a stick and then they each pray for the person who is named (even Anna!).  So far they love it and usually ask to do two rounds-- they get so excited to see who they will pick, and I honestly think Grace would pray all day until she chose the stick with her favorite 3 girls on it. Yesterday we used our prayer jar at lunch with Ben, and those are all the sticks we picked!  I'm looking to add more missionaries and names, but we have a good start. 

Andrew started real food!  So far we've tried avacado and butternut squash. I love him in the high chair.  How cute is he?!?! He's the sweetest.  And crabbiest ;) And, I actually loathe feeding baby food to babies.  They just don't seem to get it for a while, and I have to wipe their mouths over and over and over and over. 

I'll go ahead and leave you with that sweet picture, plus I have to exercise while the kids nap or I'll lose a bet to Ben.  And that would be horrible.


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Recap NC, Birthday, Christmas, cookies,

Ah! It's been so long.  I better recap.

We took a trip to North Carolina to visit Ben's parents mid-November and celebrated a very early Christmas. Caleb got Catan Jr. and loves it.  Ben and I like playing it too, which is a huge bonus! 

My sweet Anna turned TWO!

This year I decided me and the kids should bake Christmas cookies and bring them to some senior saints.  The picture below looks like we were having an awesome time, and it WAS fun overall. However, baking cookies with 4 little children isn't that great.  ALSO, I forgot to put in... oh, over half the flour, so the cookies were RIDICULOUSLY sticky.  The good news is I figured it out before it was too late.  Phew.  Next year will go better.  It was my first stab at Christmas sugar cookies. 

Caleb, Grace and I took the cookies to the Holland Home with my parent's church while we caroled.  And then we also took some to people from our church at Village Woods.  It was awesome.  We were so blessed.  Gracie handed out the cookies and Caleb followed with the napkins.  How precious is this picture?!  I love that Caleb is visiting with that lady in the background.  I so desperately want to teach my children to love serving others!!!

Then we had the Christmas program where Caleb and Grace BOTH participated.  No tears!!! WOO HOO!!!  

My whole family was out for Christmas, so that was nice.  My sister moves to India soon, so we were glad to spend some time with her! Not a bad picture for using a tri-pod eh?!?

My mom got the girl's this play kitchen, and a friend gave me those awesome aprons and hats!  The kids LOOOOOVE it.  How adorable are they!??! I can't even stand it.  They play with this kitchen all the time.

Gracie came in my room like this and proclaimed "I'm Mary." And then she ran off calling for Joseph. 

She's so sweet.

I'll end it there for now, just wanted to catch up a bit!!