"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Before and after of Caleb's room!

I know. I can't believe it either.  I'm posting twice in the same month!!  Here's why... Ben has an elders meeting tonight, so I'm all alone.  And, I've had a tendonitis FLARE UP in my left wrist, which leaves me pretty much handicapped.  SO, instead of doing the cleaning I NEED to be doing but can't because even just wiping the table is excruciating, I thought I'd blog.

Plus, I bought the red valance for Caleb's room today from Anna's Linens and put it up.  Anna's Linens is fabulous.

SO... without further ado...

--- and I must confess. I TOTALLY just googled that saying.  All of the sudden I panicked that I was totally spelling ado wrong.... or was remembering the phrase incorrectly.  Am I an idiot?  I found this http://www.quickanddirtytips.com/education/grammar/ado-versus-adieu.  So, she says I'm right, and I enjoyed reading her explanation.  HAHAHA.   And now writing that makes no sense......

ANYWAY, here is Caleb's room in a few different stages!

I didn't get good before pictures because I'm totally pathetic.  That's the only reason.  I got this photo on accident. I intended to get a picture of Caleb playing in his toybox and thought the enormous mess was picture worthy.

This is the room I used to refer to as "the horrible room"

Then Lauren Earnshaw, who happens to be totally amazing, offered to help me.  She deserves total credit for the room.  OH and speaking of Lauren, now that I think about it, she asked me to send her a picture of the room so that she could see what she was working with.  I will find it....   

            Yep, it still looks pretty BLEH.

She came over and painted the woodwork and then filled in all the holes/blemishes? in the wall   LOOK AT ALL THAT!!!!!!!!!! 

Then she painted the whole room light blue.  Honestly, with the newly painted woodwork and the light blue, I though the room looked FANTASTIC. 

Then she did the stripes. (The green is tape not paint...do not be deceived)

 And then it was finished!!!!!  Isn't that AMAZING?!

I found a dresser at a garage sale for pretty stinking cheap, so I decided to paint it.  It was a good decision looking back.... but I wouldn't do it again.

First I primed it
 Then painted it....

 It took forever... But I was pleased when I was FINALLY finished.

I'm SO excited about this neat storage thing.  I got this at Menards on black Friday and the bins were $2.50 each!!

The new valance!  Notice Caleb still enjoys playing in the toybox... 

 In this picture he's hiding inside the toybox....

Currently on Caleb's bed there is one of those fleece blankets you tie together.  Ben and I actually made that when we were dating... but soon the picture below will be a quilt on a twin bed.  My grandma is making it.  Isn't it wonderful?  There will be red on the outside.  I can't wait till it's done =)

I put some Bible verses in garage sale picture frames that I spray painted.

The closet used to have awful sliding doors (the color of the door on the far right), so Lauren gave me the idea of a curtain.  I think it's briliant.  I took a different picture where the curtain wasn't messed up, but I liked this one better because Grace is in the middle of the floor...   Hi Grace! 

So there you have it.  The horrible room has turned into my FAVORITE room.  Thanks Lauren for all your work.  We love it.


Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Remember November

I chose that title because Libby Dykstra posted it on my facebook as a possible option for me.  I love it. Why?  First of all, it rhymes.  Second of all, I didn't blog all of November, and I'm going to try and go back and remember SOMETHING that happened. So thanks Libby, it's brilliant.

Remember last time how I said Grace was sweet now?  Well, she's reverted back to her old ways.  Most people say she's great-- but that's because most people are holding her.... which is what the little stinker wants.  As I write this, she is gazing longingly at me from her bouncy seat. ... and filling her pants.  Perfect.  It's like she knew that would be a good way for me to stop typing and pick her up.  And, she's a genius... because it's going to work.

There's my little stinker! She IS the sweetest ever...... but only when receiving attention ;)  It's hard not to give it to her since she's SO HONKING PRECIOUS!

BIG. NEWS.  I figured out how to get my pictures from my phone to the computer!  WOO HOO!  It took me FOREVER.  Finally I watched a youtube video and did half of what he said, and some how it worked!!  This is going to make blogging SOOO much better.  I like to include pictures, but it's hard to remember to take them with the camera instead of my phone.... now I don't have to!

I watched my photos upload onto my computer and thought I'd post some of my favs.  SO, in honor of my figuring out how to upload, here's a taste of ... my phone photos!

Below is a picture of a dog that I drew. ANNNNd, I'm not sure WHY I took a picture of it.  Oh, it looks like he has a tumor on his rear?? I hadn't noticed... (obviously I'm a brilliant artist and you just can't understand the meaning behind this photo)... Caleb often asks me to draw things, and it's pretty hilarious because I'm SO BAD AT IT.  Seriously, I got a B in art in grade school-- pretty sure NO ONE gets a B in art in grade school....  One time I tried to draw a poodle for Caleb and he asked if it was a lamb (he must not know his animals very well... ;)) .  He's pretty gracious overall though.  He'll even say "Good job, Mama!" on occassion.

Next is Ben and me.  Not bad eh? I nailed Ben's hairline.  Also, I think that totally looks like me ;)  Caleb especially liked this one.  Again, WHY did I take a picture?  Maybe I was so excited my new phone could take good photos-- my old phone's (an amazing razor) camera was broken.  Really, I'm not sure why, but I did get a good laugh looking at it again.

And here's what happens when I try to get a nice picture of my kids... it NEVER goes well.... like ever.  The only ones that some times turn out are the ones where Caleb is kissing Grace.  So that might just have to be the way it is for a while....

And THAT is my coolio stroller.  It's neat because Caleb can stand OR sit.... and you can rearrange it all too.. like have Grace where Caleb is and Caleb where Grace is.  WOW.

And that was our dinner the other night, and I know why I took a picture-- because it looks amazing!!!  But, shrimp, sausage, and pineapple is a KILLER combo.  (at least I think so)

So there you go.  The ridiuclous part about all that is that I called this post "remember november" and then posted a bunch of random pictures from this summer.  I'm NOT changing it.  

Well, the food picture is actually from November, and I'll post another one.... This is from Thanksgiving.  My cousin's kids were holding Gracie.  They are going to have a little sister soon, and I think they'll do a great job taking care of her =).  
We had a nice Thanksgiving with a lot of family

Top three things I'm thankful for this year (besides the Jesus, the Bible etc...)

1. Ben.  Because he's the absolute best EVER.
2. My children-- because they are so sweet and mine.
3. My family has been praying together over the phone every week, and it is totally awesome.  We are seeing God answering prayers like crazy, and it has been such an encouragement to me!

And finally, I'm going to do a shout out.  If you're not sure what to get your kids for Christmas OR what your parents should get your kids, consider getting them..... SEEDS FAMILY WORSHIP cds.  It's scripture to music, and it's totally awesome.  (I've told you about this before).

The other day in the car Caleb told my parents and brother... "The Lord is close to the brokenhearted Psalm 34:18" (He saves those who are crushed in spirit... )

HOW COOL IS THAT?!  It's because we listen to the songs in the car.  SO, buy it for your family and be blessed.

Stay tuned-- next time I'm going to post a before and lots of after pictures of Caleb's room!  I need to hang a valance, and then I'm all set!  Hopefully I can do that this next week.

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.... and now it's almost Christmas.  AHHHHHH!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Update. (stupid title?)

This is just a regular ole family update.  And I STILL hate titles.

What's new around here?  Well, things are going well over all.  Gracie boo is turning into quite a sweet, pleasant little girl with minimal fussing.

This is the Grace we first lived with...

I seriously laugh EVERY time I look at this picture because it pretty much sums up her first few weeks of life.  She basically cried every time we didn't look at her....or hold her....  And she refused to sleep during the day. (I can't live like that-  I'm not all about the whole wearing the baby all day long).  Thankfully, I do babywise, and that didn't last very long.  I'm grateful.  When people would ask the typical "Is she a good baby?" question, and I'd say, "well, she's rather fussy", some people would say "Well with that kind of entrance, no wonder she's fussy!"  But seriously, is that an excuse?  I mean, I'd say it was a little bit harder on..... oh, I don't know, ME?! and you didn't see me crying every time someone wasn't looking at me.  So there.  And the car.  That was bad.  She always screamed in the car.  One time BOTH kids were crying in the car, and I took a video of it, so Ben could see what I was enduring while he was driving in his vehicle behind me (with his windows down, singing along to the radio, with not a care in the world) on the way home from church one night. OK... not a care in the world might be a bit of an exaggeration... but you get the point.  Another time Ben offered to trade vehicles with me... or maybe I asked him to, either way, he did it, and it was the best car ride of my life.  I think I may have gone under the speed limit on the way home......

Really, I LOVE being a mom.  I promise.  And my children really are a joy to me.

This is Grace now...

BHAHAHHAHHAHA.  Sleeping peacefully in her carseat ;)  Seriously, I would put a better picture up, but I take most pictures with my phone now, and I can't figure out how to upload them to a mac.  Maybe some day.  So for now, you can enjoy this sweet, sleeping little baby-- I sure do =)

Let's move onto Caleb.  Or, as he would prefer to be called, "Thomas".  It's just today.  Yesterday he wished to be called "Garrett".  Sometimes he wants to be called "baby Grace" until I remind him that baby Grace can't eat cookies, and he quickly switches back to being Caleb.

He is talking up a storm and working on using his manners...

This has been going on for a while.

Caleb: I want that
Me: Excuuuuse me??
Caleb: May I pease have a want it.


Caleb: Can I have that?
Me: What??
Caleb: May I pease have a have it.

That was my personal fav.  Usually we just end the conversation because I can't figure out what he's talking about and eventually don't care anyway ;).

Sometimes he says
"May I pease have a sit on stool?"
"May I pease have a go outside?"

The English language is SO hard, isn't it?

We've really been enjoying this nice weather by taking walks, going to the park, and on Monday and Wednesday evenings going to Ben's softball games!!

I take the two kids and usually invite my parents.  They're pretty good cheerleaders AND they help with the kiddos, so it works out.

                                  We try to keep Gracie nice and bundled up

 Notice Grandpa and Caleb sitting on the bleachers backwards behind an empty field....


Caleb walked around all evening with his hat over his eyes one night.  I didn't ask why, I just took a picture instead.  Here he was probably asking where his baseball bat was. .....

Caleb is an EXCELLENT cheerleader ..... for everyone.  Unfortunately any time ANYONE hits the ball he hollars out "GO DADDY!" And usually he claps for the other team.  Although last night he clapped more for the correct team.... but he was also facing backwards on the bleachers, so I'm thinking he was just getting lucky.

Today we tried potty training again.  The first time I put him on the toliet he said....

"I no like a sit on potty.  Can I get down?"

Later I tried again, and he sat there for a HALF HOUR..... and STILL didn't go.   He was reading "Mr Bounce" a book that Ben had when he was little.  On the back of the book it has a million pictures of other "Mr" SO, the whole time Caleb would say...

Caleb: Who's that mama? Who's that?
Me: UM... that's Mr. Nosey
Caleb "Who's that mama? who's that?"
Me: Mr. Tall
Caleb: Who's that mama who's that?
Me: Mr. Grumpy
Caleb: who's that mama? who's that?

Just kidding.  I didn't say that, but seriously, if you can't tell.... it got old.  Thankfully I was able to at least dust my bedroom while he sat there.

WAHHHHHHHHHHHHH. I want to cry about it.

I just feel like he DOESN'T get it. At all. Like doesn't even know what's supposed to happen while he's sitting there....  Maybe I'll try again in a year.... or two. Or, I'll go on vacation and instruct someone else to do it.  Any volunteers?!

Maybe I'll just go get therapy. I think I'm going to need it.

Enough of this.  Time to go make my grocery list and drink a cup of coffee.

(OH, the Jehovah's witnesses are coming back next Wednesday, and I'll probably do an update about that if you're into that kind of thing. =) )

Until next time,

Friday, August 23, 2013

I almost died... well could have almost maybe

Unfortunately (for you...not me) I didn't have another baby in the bathroom.  But, even still, I decided it was time for another update.  Especially since I nearly lost my life the other day.... or something.

It was a Saturday morning, and Ben decided to take Caleb to the park since he'd been telling him all week that Saturday was the BIG park day.  He had left about 15 minutes earlier, and I was sitting on my bed (in inappropriate attire....) feeding my sweet Gracie bean.  All the sudden I heard the front door open.  I'm generally a pretty jumpy/paranoid person, so I wondered if I was hearing things.  I stopped and listened..... and then was POSITIVE that the door had not only opened, but closed and there was someone walking around in my house.  This is how I was feeling.


I quickly got up and put on some appropriate clothing ;) (you DEFINITELY want to be fully covered when an intruder comes to get you....) and shut my door as quietly as possible and locked it.  I think it's the first time I've ever locked my door.... (my kids are still little and Caleb can't even turn the handle..... which I found out when he locked himself in his room the other day.... that's another story)

Then, I texted Ben and said.... "Are you home?!" "I feel like there's someone in our house..."  I continued to hear walking around and decided that shouting "HELLO!? WHO IS IT!" would be silly since my ultimate plan was not to let the intruder know I was home.  I was honestly hoping that he would take all of my belongings thinking no one was home and then LEAVE.  I kept shoving Grace's paci in her mouth to keep her quiet.  I was basically just standing there staring at the door wondering what would happen next.

And then... all of the sudden there was a VEERRRRRY creepy, quiet knock on MY DOOR!
"Knock.... Knock...... Knock....."

This is how I was feeling.


Seriously, I was terrified.  I slowly walked to my closet and stood in it holding Grace and PRAYING and rehearsing verses like... "what can man do to me?"

I texted Ben and said...

"Someone is knocking on the door"
"can you come home?"

Now, you may be wondering.  Why is she texting Ben when he is at the park instead of calling 911?  Well, that is a very good question.  I was afraid that it wasn't actually an intruder and then if I called the police and it wasn't a big deal, it would be bad.  You know, you don't want the police over for a false alarm.

SO, then I decided to call Ben since he wasn't responding to my texts.  So he answered... and I heard the swing squeaking in the background...

in my softest whisper "Ben....there's someone in the house"
Ben: I can't hear you...

again in my softest whisper "There is someone in our house"
Ben: (a little frustrated/impatient with me) What? I can't hear you..

So, I hung up thinking that he'd look at his phone and see my text messages....which he did.

What happened next is just what I was told by Ben since I was obviously not at the park but instead in the closet clinging to my baby...

Ben ripped Caleb out of the swing and threw him on his shoulders and ran as fast as he could with Caleb screaming and crying "I wanna go a park!"  And Ben saying "Stop crying Caleb!  Mommy needs us!!"

He sprinted all the way home in his flip flops with a 35 pound screaming child on his shoulders.

Please take a moment to applaud him.

And then remember that I'm still standing in my closet wondering what to do...and silently FREAKING out.

A few minutes later I heard the beautiful sound of Caleb crying and knew BEN was home!!!  

Honestly, what I thought would happen.  He would come up and say "Melanie, there is no one here"  And then I would KNOW that someone had been in our house, and I would be scared for the rest of my life.

Instead.... He came upstairs banged on the door-- announced himself (because I waited for that even though I heard him come home... HAHAHAH!) and then said breathing really heavily..

"It's Becky."

Yes, the intruder was my sister in law.....

Then Ben collapsed on the floor and said something about almost having a heart attack and feeling like his legs were going to fall off....  And then I was filled with love for Ben because he came to save me ;) ... and then Becky felt really bad... and then I started laughing... and then Ben said he was taking Caleb back to the park... but this time taking the van. ... and then I remembered that I knew at one point that Becky was coming over but just forgot.... and then I was SO glad I didn't call 911. And then Ben said his back hurt and the only solution was a backrub from me....

And you may be thinking I'm nuts... like super paranoid... because it's very unlikely that someone would walk into your house in broad daylight.....on a Saturday.

But I say to you...

it's unlikely that you'd be held up at gunpoint in your front yard....
it's unlikely that you'd be in a tornado....
and it's unlikely that  you'd have your baby in your bathroom....

I'd say, I've experienced too many unlikely events to not be a LITTLE extra jumpy.... at least I think they're unlikely....

So there.

Aren't you glad I survived?  I am... especially since the Jehovah's Wintessess are coming back today ;)

Ohhh yeah =)


Monday, July 8, 2013

How my baby was born in the bathroom.....

I decided to title my post the way I did instead of "Grace's Birth Story"  because this way sounded WAY more exciting.  I think you'd agree.

I know many of you have lots of questions about the birth of sweet baby Grace..... such as... "Did she try to do it that way?" "WHAT DID THEY DO ABOUT THE CORD?" "How did she not know to go to the hospital?" "Who cleaned up the mess?" "What was Caleb doing?"

I will attempt to answer all of these questions and more.  And, if I don't answer some question that's been on your mind, go ahead and ask me.... but I can't guarantee I'll remember.... it happened very fast.

Let's start at 37 weeks pregnant.  The day I turned 37 weeks I started experiencing contractions... a lot.  I had a ton each day.  The first few days I thought, "The baby will be here in no time!"  BUT, as the weeks went on, I started getting used to the tightening feeling, and would only get excited when the contractions would start in my back and wrap around to the front.... but soon those only led me to discouragement too.

The Friday before Grace was born, I was up in the middle of the night for 2 hours with contractions, and I thought that it was the real thing FOR SURE.  But, eventually I went back to bed and figured it wasn't labor.  You can't sleep through labor right?

Wednesday night, (June 26) I went to our church picnic at 5:30, where we took second place in the church egg toss. (Ben had a bad throw... what can I say? But he's reading over my shoulder saying "dude get rid of that, you dropped my AWESOME throw"  We're still not over our loss...)  I was having my normal contractions during the church picnic and thought nothing of it.  They weren't painful and no one knew I was even having them.  When we got home, we hung around the house and played a game.  We didn't go to bed until 11.  Around midnight I woke up to a contraction.  It was a bit stronger than the ones I was used to having but still pretty bearable.  I went back to sleep and woke up around 12:30 with another one of those contractions.  I got a little excited thinking "Maybe tonight is the night!"  I got out of bed and started walking around to see if the contractions would keep coming.  I tried to time them, but they were pretty irregular.  Just before 1 am I had a BIG contraction.  It almost knocked the wind out of me. I was told to go to the hospital when my contractions were 7 minutes apart, 60 seconds long, and stay that way for an hour.  After that big contraction, I didn't think I could handle that for an hour...  SO, I decided to wake up Ben and tell him that it was time to go to the hospital.  I was even a little hesitant because I hadn't been having contractions for very long yet.

I had another contraction soon after the first one, and I started to get a little panicky since they were really strong and REALLY close together.  I needed to call my dad to come and stay with Caleb, so I did.... but as soon as it connected, I had another contraction.  I threw the phone to Ben and said "Talk to my dad!"
Ben said to my dad, calmly "Hi dad.  Melanie is having a contraction and will talk to you in a minute." At this point, I almost EXPLODED because I was starting to realize that things were progressing very very quickly... so in my head I screamed "YOU IDIOT, JUST TELL HIM TO GET HERE!!!!!!!!" But, in real life, (and thankfully) I waited until the contraction had passed and then said "Dad, it's time to come, we need to go to the hospital."  Poor Ben didn't really have a clue that this was becoming an emergency..... and I didn't inform him because I hardly even knew what was happening.

After we called my dad, my contractions were pretty much coming on top of each other.  During each break, I was frantically running around filling my hospital bag.  You know, you can't pack your toothbrush weeks in advance....

Anyway, I had the most wretched contraction of my life on the bed and at that moment thought..... "I NEVER am having another child again" followed by..."This is NOT good." ....followed by "I can't possibly endure this for an hour".... followed by "Can I get an epidural??".... followed by "I have to go to the bathroom.." followed by...."this reminds me of when I had the urge to push with Caleb... PLEASE let me just have to go to the bathroom."

Meanwhile....Ben still didn't know what was happening.  (and how could he?) I think he just noticed that I got crabby REALLY fast. ;)  He was trying to find the midwife's number that I said was on the fridge... even though it wasn't.  He came back upstairs telling me so, and then I remembered I had it saved in my phone.  Genius.  (How can you forget something like that?!) Anyway, he was calling the answering service who would page the midwife to tell her that we were on our way to the hospital... while I was running to the toliet hoping that I was just cleaning out before having a baby.  Is this getting too graphic?? ;)

The urge to push came over me, and so I did.... And then I put my hand down to check and see what was going on.... and I felt a head (but it was squishy I guess because the amniotic sac was still hanging around..).  Then I yelled "BEN! It's TOO LATE, I CAN FEEL HER HEAD!"  THAT's when Ben realized what was going on and at this point, he started saying to the answering service lady...

"I NEED AN AMBULANCE!!!" To which she responded. "We can't call an ambulance, YOU have to" To which Ben responded... "What am I talking to you for?!"  He hung up and quickly called 911.  We have a tape of this, which is kind of fun... in hind sight of course.  He said we needed an ambulance and while he was talking to her, I hollered from the bathroom..

"BEN, You've got to catch her!"

And, so, he ran into the bathroom, I hit speaker phone, he threw the phone on the ground, and very shortly after, caught sweet baby Grace in his arms.  WOO HOO! Go Ben!

He handed her to me immediatly hoping I could get her to breathe.  When he caught her, she was in fluid.  BUT, it's not what you're picturing-- it's not the massive amniotic sac where the baby is like still in the womb but not.  We're thinking the bag must have been leaking out and had a hole in it because when he handed her to me, only her head had something on it because the water leaked out while he was holding her.  I remember pulling something away from her face-- which apparently was a membrane.  Anyway, I pulled that away, stuck my dirty finger in her mouth and wiped it out (HA! no time to wash hands...) and blew in her face.  I actually don't remember blowing in her face, but Ben says I did.  It makes me feel like a genius ;).  She started crying pretty much right away...and then Ben and I both started bawling.  She was born at 1:12 am... yes, 11 honking minutes after I called my dad to come over.

I held Grace in front of me staring at her in disbelief-- like, "did this really just happen??" I, of course, was holding her out in the cold instead of wrapping her in something. (DUH!) but a police officer came to our house within minutes and asked for a towel to wrap her in.  Ben handed him one of my nice bathroom towels, and I said "AH! THAT towel?" Ben looked at me in utter disgust and said "MELANIE, we can BUY new towels."

I'm so ashamed.  DUH. What was I thinking???

At this point I told Ben to call my dad to tell him what happened.  You know, I thought it might be kind of traumatic to pull up to a house that had a million cop cars and 2 ambulances with the lights on outside the house. (My neighbor thought it was lightning).  Ben called my mom at 1:15 am and said "Mom, I just delivered your granddaughter on the bathroom floor"  She called my dad and told him....and then didn't sleep the rest of the night....

ANYWAY, the paramedics came shortly after the police man and tended to me while I was sitting on the toliet surrounded by what looked like a murder scene.  Talk about uncomfortable... not to mention they were mostly men. At one point I saw some of the mess drifting towards my nice bathroom rug.  I asked the paramedic woman to please move the rug out of the way.  She did it but kind of looked at me like I was nuts.  I like to think I saved my rug.  Why have more mess than you need??  They clamped the cord and Ben even got to cut it.  (But that's TOTALLY lame compared to actually delivering your child right??)

They lifted me onto their chair thing and carried me past Caleb's room (who was still sleeping) and down the stairs while some young man who had never held a baby before carried my newborn.  I got into the ambulance just as my dad was pulling in... and I waved from the ambulance and said "Hi dad!" But, he didn't hear me.

I got to the hospital just as their computers went down...  AND sat there waiting for the doctor to get out of bed and come deliver my placenta.  Isn't that something you'd want to do at 2:00 am?  I had the shakes REALLY bad, and everyone kept asking me if I was cold.  When the doctor came, he delivered the placenta, stitched me up, and then I had some extra bleeding apparently and was put on pitocin for the next MILLION hours.  (well, that's what it seemed like.)

Grace had to be under the warmer for a while since her stupid parents left her out in the cold so long.  But, I was able to hold and nurse her pretty quickly after she was born.  I sent Ben home around 5 am when things were settling down so he could get some sleep.  But, I asked him if he would clean up the bathroom before he went to bed.  He did.. but after taking a picture.  Isn't he sweet?

When I was brought to the room where I'd be for the next couple of days, I laid on my bed and wept.  It was an overwhelming experience, and I was so thankful that I was ok and so was Grace....and Ben for that matter.  My mom came around 7 am because I couldn't sleep (and she was up anyway), and when she walked in, we both shed a few more tears.

We are SO SO SO thankful for God's protection and the amount of grace he poured on us June 27, and I'm so pleased with the name we picked because it seems VERY appropriate.  Don't you think?

So there's the story you've all been waiting for.  I had what they call a "Precipitous labor" and was informed that if it happens once, it's likely to happen again.  So, next time (Lord willing there will be one), I will probably camp out at the hospital a few weeks in advance because Ben has informed me he is  unwilling to do that again ;)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

We're moving, AZ vacation, and some extra....

WOW!  It's been one crazy month since I last posted on here.

First of all, in case you haven't heard, we're moving.  Ben received a call from 1st Reformed in Lansing, IL to be pastor there and accepted it.  We will be sad to leave Baileyville but we are both confident that this is where the Lord is calling us, and are excited to go where He is sending us.  Everything has worked out perfectly so far (including finding and buying a perfect house for us!), so we have even more confidence in our decision.  We continue to pray for Baileyville-- that he will provide them with a gospel preaching pastor!  It's hard to think about leaving since there's soooo much to do before then and each week I'm getting more pregnant....

Everytime I think about packing, I start freaking out.  Ok, not really.... but I remember how much work it was last time and I start dreading the process.  Being pregnant again and packing is bringing back A LOT of memories =).   Ben and I decided that while his last Sunday here will be May 26, I'll be moving out sooner than that (probably mid-May).   If this baby comes as early as Caleb did, I can't move as late as the 26th or I'll have a new baby and boxes EVERYWHERE.  THAT would be horrible.  So, I plan to get a little head start but will still come back to Baileyville on weekends in order to be with the church for our last bit here!

That's our biggest news I'd say.

In other news, we took a vacation to AZ with my mom, dad, and sister.  It was AMAZING.  It was totally relaxing and beautiful.  You've probably seen pictures on facebook, but I'll put a few on here for those of you who don't have facebook....

Isn't this Red Rock AMAZING!?  Praise God!

 And, I picked this picture because of the scenery (BEAUTIFUL!-- look at that sky!)... and then I noticed my dad was climbing up the rock, and now THAT's why I like this picture.  He's the best, and for some reason I laugh when I look at this.
And here's a nice little family photo.

I actually felt the best I have felt this entire pregnancy on this trip.  I think it's because we were walking a lot and getting outside.  I was thankful =). 

 Hey, remember how two days ago it was Spring, and now it's Winter again?  

Caleb not only cried when Ben made this face but cries every time he sees a picture of Ben making this face......  I think it's scary too.  

In other news, I decided last week to start potty training Caleb on Monday.  I had BIG plans.  I bought amazing treats, I told him what an exciting time we had ahead of us,... I cleared the schedule ALL day Monday so we would have one focus....  Please check out the supplies I had.  

Doesn't the bear look cute with underwear on? HA!  I was going to try Potty Training 1-2-3.  It's a book I read through, and it focuses on rewarding your child when they're dry.  I thought that made sense.. you know, I don't care how many times he goes to the bathroom, I just don't want him to have wet pants!  

Anyway..... potty training was a TOTAL bomb.  I stopped by.... 9 am?  The last straw was when I looked over at Caleb in his underwear, and he was peeing right through the little hole in his underwear and had NO idea what was happening even after I announced it to him...... after he finished, he ran up to my back since I was kneeling and said "backpack?"... that means he wants a horsey back ride. REALLY?!  I asked Ben to go put a diaper on him, and we had a nice day after that =) .

So, we'll have to try again in a few months.  They say not to do potty training when
1. You're moving
2. Job transition
3. New baby.

UM.... I guess he won't be potty trained for a while then.....

Later in the day I asked Caleb to go throw his undershirt in the laundry chute.  It sounded like he did it, and he came back with something in his hand. I thought it was a diaper.  SO, I said "let's go take care of that!"  We started throwing diapers out the bathroom window upstairs and they land on the patio.  Ben originally came up with this idea (to keep our upstairs from smelling), and I was absolutely horrified at the idea (probably like you are now).  Eventually, I came around, and now I think it's the most brilliant idea ever.  Plus, Caleb loves throwing them out the window... who wouldn't?

After I said, "Let's go take care of that" Caleb ran to the laundry shoot... to which I said "NOO! We don't throw that in the laundry shoot, we throw it out the window."  So, I held him up to the window and he threw it out...... ANNNND his undershirt landed in the gutter. BHAHAHHAHAHHAHH.  

I am such a moron. 

And then I burst out laughing and said "crap" which he may or may not have repeated.....  that was not a good moment.

So, currently there's an undershirt wet and nasty in our gutter outside since it's been raining A LOT lately.  Hopefully he doesn't start trying to throw his clothes out the window when they're dirty...

 I got a hat and some hairbows from a friend the other day, and Caleb enjoyed playing in the bag.   Doesn't he look pretty?

And here he is wearing his glasses and Ben's gloves.

Caleb's latest is going inside his toybox and playing.  I actually really enjoy it.  He gets stuck in there and just starts playing.  Eventually he calls for me, but it's nice and quiet while he's stuck.....  in fact, I was able to make dinner yesterday while he played in there.

I think that's about all the news on this end! 


Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Non vacation, Iowa vacation, and wisdom teeth...

WOW, what a long title huh?

This should be a "our cruise was so awesome check out all our neat pics" kind of a post... but alas, the Carnival Triumph let us down....and left us stranded in Houston, TX.  So, instead, I will post our hotel room.

This is where we moped about and sat on hold with Carnival for over an hour.  The room was kind of a junky artsy...  Ben's side of the blanket had holes in it apparently.  He wasn't too happy with the room.  I could really care less... (well, it would help if my pillow hadn't been flat).  But, that's what happens when you pay FORTY bucks for a hotel, right?  I was kicking myself for a while for being such a cheapskate since it turns out Carnival covered the hotel room for the night.  (boy did they get lucky!).  The man I sat next to on the airplane was from Houston and told me that it was a rough neighborhood and that we should probably not venture out too much once we got there.  He asked where we were staying after naming hotels that would be "safe" (such as Holiday Inn, Hyatt etc.)   I told him it was a Motel Six and he laughed out loud..... it worked out fine though.  We flew back the next day and were very crabby at my parents' house for a few days.  (they were very good to us despite our pathetic attitudes).

In the last couple of weeks, I have been drinking a KILLER smoothie.  Prepare to be amazed.

This picture shows what's in it.... KALE, Flax Seed (just pretend it's seed from the fruit :)), frozen strawberries and peaches, part of an apple (WITH the skin on), Greek yogurt (shown is Strawberry, but I've since moved on to plain), and a TINY piece of lemon with the peel on.  This guy at Sam's club once told me this BRILLIANT secret.  He said if you put spinach in your smoothie... you have to put half a slice of lemon in and it will eliminate the spinach flavor.  SO, I thought since it worked for spinach, it must work for kale.  AND IT TOTALLY DOES!  I feel so healthy drinking this...you know, since Kale is a super food and all?  ;)
**This was mixed with my Vitamix by the way.  That's why I can throw in apple chunks with the skin on and a lemon with the peel.  I'm not sure if that would work in a regular blender...? 
AND, here's Caleb drinking it up.  It's like a TOTAL treat for him.... bhahhahaha... and there's KALE in it.  Seriously. I feel like a genius.  And, Ben FINALLY tried it the other day and approved.  That was a huge step.... because the smoothie looks like mashed peas....  

In other news, my cousin Heather just had a BABY!  I decided to make the trek to Northwest Iowa to go see him and try to help.  Caleb came with me, and he really did ok in the car.  (Thankfully!)

Here are some pictures from our trip...

Caleb and Haylee did some coloring together.  Caleb wasn't content there for very long ... don't let the picture fool you. ;)  (Haylee was though-- she loved to color!) Also note the coffee cup on the table.  I was able to use their Keurig for the few days I was there, and it was AMAZING. (I was skeptical until I had it all the time at their house.)

Here they are acting like they like being on the chair together... haha!!  Isn't it CUTE?!  It looks like they're talking.  It was probably something like this... 
Caleb: "Um, Haylee, I was actually here first" 
                    Haylee: Well... we should both fit. I can't help it you weigh a ton" Or something like that.  Or maybe it was
Caleb: I love you and love that you came to sit by me.
            Haylee: I love you too and I'm glad you're using all my toys while you're here. 
buuuut..... probably not ;)  

They ate their grapes and muffins for breakfast at the little table. 

Doesn't THAT look like fun? Caleb loved all of the play dishes and food, and I'm sure Paul (heather's husband) loved coming home to the mess on the floor.  (it's hard to clean up when they KEEP playing with it...) 

And THIS is sweet baby Evan.  Isn't he precious?!?!?!  He was only 6 pounds, 10 ounces when he was born. (I think...)  He seemed SO TINY!  AND, it made me SO excited for my sweet baby girl to arrive in June! WOO HOO!! 

And lastly.  Ben got his wisdom teeth pulled on Monday.  He was in a GREAT mood following the surgery... can you say valium and happy gas?!?  BUT, by the afternoon he was miserable. =(   Yesterday he did much better and even was able to look at puppies on the ipad with Caleb.  Here they are snuggling together. (notice Caleb's sock says 4T-5T... yes, his feet may be as big as your preschoolers....)

Oh, the green thing?  That's a circle scarf that Lisa Kuper made for me.  It's actually worked wonderfully for Ben in keeping the ice on his face.  It's much better when you don't have to hold the ice on your cheeks.  I highly recommend getting one if you are going to get your wisdom teeth pulled =)

I think that's about all that's new in our house.... until next time!


Monday, February 4, 2013

DC trip and more!

I thought I'd do a number post again to save time to update you on what's happened between the last post and this one....

In no particular order... (at least I don't think there will be)

1. I went to Washington D.C. for the Right to Life March!  It was GREAT.  Well, mostly. I mean, the bus ride was a little long... and uncomfortable, and it was freezing cold out.. BUT, I'm happy to have a little discomfort when standing up against abortion.  And, I got my own seat on the bus!!!

2. We went sight seeing all day Saturday and part of the day Friday.  I think I exercised more in those two days than I have in the last year...  Auntie Pat is hard to keep up with.  I'm soooo glad I borrowed my mom's coat....and wore sweatpants under my pants... and had about a million shirts on... and had my warm boots..  I think I looked incredible and so did some others apparently.  While we were out and about, I almost walked into a picture that someone else was taking.  I quickly stopped to avoid ruining their picture, when the man taking the picture said... "Hey, would you mind taking a picture with these guys?"  (they were mid thirties or older I would guess)  Anyway, he said he was joking because they had wives and their wives wouldn't be too pleased if they had a picture with a woman.  I laughed outloud and said I didn't think I was too big of a threat....  I mean really, their wives probaby would have laughed at them saying, "THAT's what you picked up!?"

Please look at this picture of me.  Would anyone consider me a threat to their marriage?!?! I'm the babe on the far right.... the one with the visor on the hood. .....

3.  Caleb still goes to bed at 7, so Ben and I have plenty of time to hang out just the two of us.  Sometimes we have trouble figuring out what to do.  The other day we balanced our cell phones on our heads and tried to see who could balance theirs the longest.  We even tried up the stairs.  It was thrilling.  Truly.

4. I just got the bill from the emergency room visit with Caleb back when he knocked his tooth back up.  I'm regretting our decision to take him there..... ;)  Speaking of his tooth, it doesn't seem to be coming down too quickly. (DOGS!)

5. Ben and I are going on a CRUISE on Monday.  Yeah, I can't believe it either.  We found a great deal and thought... why not book it?!  So, we did.  Caleb is not invited.  It's going to be a celebration of our 4 year anniversary... you know, that was a big one.. (?)   Who needs a reason anyway?  Caleb will be spending the week (it's a 5 night cruise) at my parents house, and I'm sure he'll have a wonderful time with Grammy and Papa.  It makes it easier to leave him when I know he'll be having a great time.

6. Caleb did a puzzle a couple weeks ago all by himself.  I think he's a genius... or something.

7.  I found an AMAZING website.  Cooksillustrated.com.  Everything I've made on their is completely delicious.  Unfortunately, you can only get a free 2 week trial and you have to pay to continue... SO, I no longer have access.  I tried to get a bunch of recipes before my trial ended though.  In a few weeks, Ben might have to try it out ;).....

8.  I LOVE finding my C-dizzle (Caleb) reading books quietly in the corner.  I found him like this the other day.  He sits on the exercise mat to read.

He looks at me like... "Um... can I help you?"

9.  The other day I said to him.. "UUMmmmm no" to which he replied... "Ummm, no."  Whoops.

10. I didn't watch the super bowl..... again. Does that make me a total loser?  Yeah... well, I've been one my whole life.. why stop now? ;)    I actually had a pretty heavy heart yesterday after I read an article about how the super bowl is the biggest human trafficking incident in the U.S.  You can read it here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/02/03/super-bowl-sex-trafficking_n_2607871.html.  And then I saw on facebook how "awesome" the half time show was.  I watched the first bit and was overwhelmed by how ungodly it was.  I thought it was far from awesome.  It was completely worldly in every way, and I think it's embarrassing that women (christian women!) think that kind of dress and dancing is somehow appropriate...or great or whatever....  And, I think Beyonce should be embarrassed that her shirt had a huge rip right down the middle of it!  BAHA.  Just kidding. But really, was it really necessary for her to dress like a hooker?  

11. My in-laws have been here this weekend.  Currently the men are playing a game.... that they've been playing since yesterday afternoon.  I'm glad I declined....  I'd take their picture and show you, but they all have bed head, and I'm too nice.  

Tootaloo (I'm trying to teach Caleb to say that... it's pretty funny)