This should be a "our cruise was so awesome check out all our neat pics" kind of a post... but alas, the Carnival Triumph let us down....and left us stranded in Houston, TX. So, instead, I will post our hotel room.
This is where we moped about and sat on hold with Carnival for over an hour. The room was kind of a junky artsy... Ben's side of the blanket had holes in it apparently. He wasn't too happy with the room. I could really care less... (well, it would help if my pillow hadn't been flat). But, that's what happens when you pay FORTY bucks for a hotel, right? I was kicking myself for a while for being such a cheapskate since it turns out Carnival covered the hotel room for the night. (boy did they get lucky!). The man I sat next to on the airplane was from Houston and told me that it was a rough neighborhood and that we should probably not venture out too much once we got there. He asked where we were staying after naming hotels that would be "safe" (such as Holiday Inn, Hyatt etc.) I told him it was a Motel Six and he laughed out loud..... it worked out fine though. We flew back the next day and were very crabby at my parents' house for a few days. (they were very good to us despite our pathetic attitudes).
In the last couple of weeks, I have been drinking a KILLER smoothie. Prepare to be amazed.
This picture shows what's in it.... KALE, Flax Seed (just pretend it's seed from the fruit :)), frozen strawberries and peaches, part of an apple (WITH the skin on), Greek yogurt (shown is Strawberry, but I've since moved on to plain), and a TINY piece of lemon with the peel on. This guy at Sam's club once told me this BRILLIANT secret. He said if you put spinach in your smoothie... you have to put half a slice of lemon in and it will eliminate the spinach flavor. SO, I thought since it worked for spinach, it must work for kale. AND IT TOTALLY DOES! I feel so healthy drinking know, since Kale is a super food and all? ;)
AND, here's Caleb drinking it up. It's like a TOTAL treat for him.... bhahhahaha... and there's KALE in it. Seriously. I feel like a genius. And, Ben FINALLY tried it the other day and approved. That was a huge step.... because the smoothie looks like mashed peas....
In other news, my cousin Heather just had a BABY! I decided to make the trek to Northwest Iowa to go see him and try to help. Caleb came with me, and he really did ok in the car. (Thankfully!)
Here are some pictures from our trip...
Caleb and Haylee did some coloring together. Caleb wasn't content there for very long ... don't let the picture fool you. ;) (Haylee was though-- she loved to color!) Also note the coffee cup on the table. I was able to use their Keurig for the few days I was there, and it was AMAZING. (I was skeptical until I had it all the time at their house.)
Here they are acting like they like being on the chair together... haha!! Isn't it CUTE?! It looks like they're talking. It was probably something like this...
Caleb: "Um, Haylee, I was actually here first"
Haylee: Well... we should both fit. I can't help it you weigh a ton" Or something like that. Or maybe it was
Caleb: I love you and love that you came to sit by me.
Haylee: I love you too and I'm glad you're using all my toys while you're here.
buuuut..... probably not ;)
They ate their grapes and muffins for breakfast at the little table.
Doesn't THAT look like fun? Caleb loved all of the play dishes and food, and I'm sure Paul (heather's husband) loved coming home to the mess on the floor. (it's hard to clean up when they KEEP playing with it...)
And THIS is sweet baby Evan. Isn't he precious?!?!?! He was only 6 pounds, 10 ounces when he was born. (I think...) He seemed SO TINY! AND, it made me SO excited for my sweet baby girl to arrive in June! WOO HOO!!
And lastly. Ben got his wisdom teeth pulled on Monday. He was in a GREAT mood following the surgery... can you say valium and happy gas?!? BUT, by the afternoon he was miserable. =( Yesterday he did much better and even was able to look at puppies on the ipad with Caleb. Here they are snuggling together. (notice Caleb's sock says 4T-5T... yes, his feet may be as big as your preschoolers....)
Oh, the green thing? That's a circle scarf that Lisa Kuper made for me. It's actually worked wonderfully for Ben in keeping the ice on his face. It's much better when you don't have to hold the ice on your cheeks. I highly recommend getting one if you are going to get your wisdom teeth pulled =)
I think that's about all that's new in our house.... until next time!
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