Thursday morning (today): My “alarm” went off around 5:40 am. It was Caleb crying his eyes out. Since this is quite unusual, I went in to see what was wrong. He was freezing and after a few minutes of trying to figure out the problem, I noticed he was wet. SO, I had to change him, wipe him down (not doing a bath that early, sorry!), change the sheets, remove the mattress pad, and tell him over and over again that it wasn’t time to get up yet. After he was back in bed, I tried to go back to sleep. It didn’t work…for either of us.
After I got the kids ready at a more reasonable hour, we headed out to a couple of garage sales, and I found a few good things! I haven’t really gone much this summer because it’s hard with the kids…. I know, people do it all the time…. I just dread bringing them along. …. Because then I struggle with whether to bring them with or leave them in the car. I usually decide to leave them in the car, and then I have an “I’m a bad mom” complex while I’m at the garage sale and don’t enjoy it nearly as much.
As you may have seen on Facebook… I’m painting Grace’s future room (currently called the horrible room) and decided (thanks to all the comments) to paint it a light gray (still haven’t looked for a specific color), and I’m going to accent with purple decor (I KNOW, my parenthesis’ are EXCESSIVE!) I love purple. Anyway, I found these pictures today and was SOOOO excited! How cute are those!??!

I bought HUNGRY HIPPOS too!! Remember that game?! I also found some clothes for Caleb at the sale. It’s getting harder and harder to find clothes for my big boy, so I grab them when I see them! I was hoping to run into some newborn winter clothes (because that would be SOOOOOO FUN to buy), but I didn’t see any today…. maybe because we only went to two garage sales. But, I’m on the lookout and hope to go Saturday. I haven’t mentioned it to Ben yet… it’s his birthday, so we’ll see how he feels when he reads this!!
When we got home from garage saling, Ben called and said there were some bean bag boards in the garbage on the other side of the block from us. SO, I took the kids on an “adventure” (that’s what I told Caleb). We walked over to the boards, and I deemed them worthy. I couldn’t carry the boards on my stroller or in my hands, so I took the kids home intending to drive over. Caleb was running to catch up since I said he had to keep up….. and wiped out. It resulted in two bloody knees and a bloody hand. I had the privilege of carrying all 38 pounds (or so) of him for a while on the sidewalk while pushing the stroller. My already sore back is thanking me as I sit here. I put Grace down for her morning nap, locked the house, bandaged Caleb and put fragile Caleb in the van letting him choose his seat without a seatbelt, and picked up the bag game– for those of you concerned about Grace, we were gone for 5 minutes MAX. The game better be awesome…. because the pain I’m feeling in my body combined with the inconsolable 3 year old makes me think it MIGHT not have been worth it.
I must be carrying a heavy baby because 21.5 weeks along is a BIT too soon to have back pain. I have WAY too much to do in the next few weeks! For example, I need to clean my house today… but it’s not looking good.
Last night, like most Wednesdays, Ben played softball. Since his game was at 6:30, we came along! After the game, Ben took Caleb for a run around the bases. Caleb was pretty excited about it.
And that’s my udpate for the day. Next up will be a homemade something… and then I’ll probably post about Grace’s birthday party. Although, it was pretty low key, so there’s not a lot to post.
Hope you all have a blessed day! I’m going to go read a Pooh book =)
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