"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Monday, December 14, 2015

Tennessee, reading, doctor, Santa Claus, grim reaper, & a gingerbread house

So Ben and I went to Tennessee in November.  I didn't post any pictures, so here's one.  

It was a great trip, and it was SO good to get away just the two of us!  We did some hiking and did a lot of relaxing.

Oh, and lots of reading.  I read these books on our trip, and I recommend all of them!

I love Jani Ortlund.  I hope to read more of her books.  Like THIS one called "Fearlessly Feminine: Boldly living God's plan for womanhood"  I bet it's more helpful than books like THIS one where Rachel Held Evans (boo) completely misses the point (which isn't surprising).  She makes me crazy.  

My parents babysat a few weeks ago, and when I got home, this is how I found them... they were all just hanging on the couch.  I thought it was so sweet.

I had to take Anna for a checkup (and shots... boo! Speaking of, does everyone get their child the Hep A shot? I feel like since I personally haven't gotten it, why should she?? I think I said ok just so I wouldn't be a pain, but I think I think it's stupid, and I'm pretty sure Caleb doesn't have it.)

Anyway, I took all the kids to the doctor and brought goldfish and animal crackers.  I'm glad because sitting in the waiting room with three kids isn't that fun without a snack. They did a great job though. I was so proud of them.

Here Caleb is dressed like Santa Claus (at least that's what HE said).  He filled my boots with gifts for me.  I just love when he brings me random pieces from all the different toys we have!

I dressed Anna in mostly black one day.

Ben said she looks like the grim reaper.  I have to agree.  Creepy Anna Sue!!! But really, she could never be creepy because SHE'S SO STINKIN SWEET!! Seriously. I cannot get enough of her. 

 Caleb and Grace have been playing constantly together. I LOVE IT.  My quality of life is improving because of it.  Here they are laughing their heads off, which is becoming quite normal. (Of course, they often end in someone crying, but they're happy for a while)

The other night we made a gingerbread house.  Caleb was SO excited about it.  Like so excited for a few days that I had to tell him he HAD to stop asking, or we would have a problem......

They were putting frosting on each other.  Ben started it. 

TA DA! Although it may appear as though Caleb singlehandedly made this house, Ben and I actually helped a lot.  I was in charge of the icing.  That may not have been the best idea.  I think the hole was too big when I was squirting it out..... that combined with my shaky hand ended in some pretty sloppy work.  Whoops.  There's always next year!

Caleb obviously doesn't get the concept of bunny ears.

I would also like to say I really WAS there.  The mother never gets in the picture.  Unless of course you have a selfie stick or love taking selfies.  Neither are true here and selfie sticks make me feel weird.

Hope you have a Merry one =)

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