"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Curlers, zoo, flat, graduation, & Cub's game

A couple weeks ago I tried giving curlers a go on my Beaners.  I bought them at the dollar store.  That was my first problem.  My second problem was that I didn't I didn't know what to put on her head to keep them on,  so I had to use one of my scarves... and I think it was a bit heavy/bulky.  Thirdly, although she sat nicely while I put them in, I'm pretty sure she had taken them out before she even went to sleep.  Her hair was straight as can be in the morning and the curlers were next to her bed completely taken apart (thank you dollar tree).  Maybe next time.  She looked pretty cute though didn't she??

My goal is to fit a bunch of outings in before the baby comes, so the other day I took the kids to the zoo.  My parents were kind enough to join us. It's hard for me to go to the bathroom with all of them by myself, and since my life revolves around the bathroom, I need help. Plus, it's nice having someone else push the stroller and hold hands... oh and park the car down the road where it's FREE.

Isn't this a sweet picture?  I don't even know why I went along. ;) 

The other day I was driving with Caleb and my low tire pressure light came. I didn't think it was a big deal till I felt the car pulling to the right, followed by some serious shaking.  Since I've blown a number of tires in my lifetime, I figured I had a flat and pulled over.  After determining the tire was indeed flat, Caleb jumped out with the air pump and said "MOM! I'll fill it up!!!"  Awww

Since 1. I don't know how to change a tire and 2. I'm quite pregnant and there's no way I'd be laying on the ground even if I DID know how to change the tire,  I called my darling Ben to come rescue me, and he did!  

Then the other night Caleb GRADUATED from preschool.  I can't believe we have a graduate ;).  Unfortunately for Caleb, I didn't bring him anything as a form of congratulations nor did we have a party.  The good news is that during the little performance the kids did, Caleb managed to stay up front the whole time.  The bad news is that he didn't participate.  Oh well, maybe next time.  NOT! YOU ONLY GRADUATE FROM PRESCHOOL ONCE! Just kidding, I'm really not upset.

Here he is receiving his diploma

Here's his official graduation picture.  I know, AWESOME attitude!

 Gracie ran up to Caleb afterwards and said "GOOD JOB Caleb!" It was really sweet. I asked them to take a picture together.  You can see Caleb's killer attitude here too.

This is actually the best picture I have.

 Grace was having the time of her life at graduation.  She even sang Jesus Loves Me from the seat with the preschool class. They are total opposites.  I'm not sure how to parent total opposites.  I think that's why I'm exhausted all the time.  ;)

The other day I drove through the Dunkin Donuts drive thru to get myself a $1 iced coffee (mocha with cream if you're wondering... delish!).  Anyway, I was in a GREAT mood, probably because I was getting the coffee, and after I finished ordering....

Drive thru worker: Is that all?
Me: (chipper) Yeeees ma'am!
Drive thru worker: It's yes SIR
Me: (silence)........ uh sorry
It was awesome, and I learned a good life lesson.  I also started laughing like a maniac.

Ben and I decided to go to a Cub's game the other day.  It was so fun despite the Cub's playing the worst game they've played all year.  It just totally figures.  Here's me and Ben on the bus to the stadium.  We love FREE parking in the city. 

Like I said, we had a great time.  The only bad part besides the Cubs only getting one hit and getting their butts kicked was that somehow I managed to get TWO mosquito bites.  Seriously. I bet there were only two mosquitos in the whole stadium.  Mosquitos love me. They love me the most and will find me no matter where I am.  It's sick.  I was saying I was glad it was only two, and Ben said something along the lines of "I can't believe you got two mosquito bites in a place where there were no mosquitoes"  It was ridiculous.  Oh and then last night I wanted Ben to SEE my mosquito bite on my foot because it was just proof that I ACTUALLY got bit.  And when I showed him, do you know what he did???!?!  Just think about what you would NOT want someone to do if you showed them a mosquito bite.  


I flipped out.  

I asked in horror why he would do such a thing and then went on to say, "What's the WORST thing you could do to a mosquito bite!?!"  (it was a rhetorical question) And he responded with "Itch it" and "Well, I suppose you could dump gasoline on it and light it on fire"  Yes. He nailed it.  I guess touch it isn't the WORST thing.  But seriously, show some mercy.  Don't touch someone's inactive mosquito bite.  Amen?! 

That's all for now.  Until next time.


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