"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Update :)

I'm having issues with titles again lately.

Can you believe it's October?! And my little peanut is TWO months old?! I'd say I want time to slow down, but I'd be lying.  The first couple months after a baby are the hardest for a number of reasons one of them being losing out on a full night of sleep. Which I'm not getting yet.  But that's ok, little man is only 9 weeks and is giving me some very nice stretches in the night lately.  Have I mentioned I love Babywise? Because I still do for the fourth time.

We have been SO incredibly busy lately.  This addition of #4 was a bigger deal than the addition of #3.  Why? Oh, because Anna was a PERFECT baby and Andrew isn't.  I mean, he's pretty stinking sweet, but he's also needy.  I thought #4 was supposed to be super chill? ;)  The good news is I prepared for another Grace baby.  It just felt like it was time AND you can't possibly get two perfect babies in a row (Side note, Anna isn't perfect anymore...)   Here they are....

Grace Elaine

Andrew William

Grace didn't have a spitting problem.  SO, Andrew runs away with the "worst baby I've had" award as he is a professional spitter. The spitting/fussing combo is killer.  Go Andrew! I WILL say that he has improved in his fussiness level.  I can now leave him in the bouncy seat without him screaming his head off!! WOO HOO!  I decided to give up dairy for the day a few days ago.  But I forgot my lunch had butter in it and then ate a cheeseburger for dinner.  I decided I already blew it, so I went ahead and had ice cream in the evening.  Dairy and I were made for each other.  I don't understand how you would go without, and I don't even drink milk. 

Let's move on to our new dishwasher.  We got one, and now when my dishes come out of it, they're CLEAN! It's amazing.  Also, the man who installed it was hilarious.  He talked to us through dinner with comments like ... "everyone is gladder when they have a flatter bladder" I might use that one as it's extremely catchy. 

I dusted my fans this week with my trusty dusty envirowand (which I love). You can tell it's been a while... and I didn't even do MY fan yet. Yikes!!!!  Fans are those things I forget about until I randomly look at the ceiling and become HORRIFIED at the state of the fan. Maybe one day I'll get better at that.

Mom and I went to True Woman for the 3rd time in a row, and we both loved it again!! I brought Drewbie do along, and he did great overall.  We really used his stroller as you can tell by the mounds of stuff on it. HA!.  Plan on going yourself in 2 years.  It's always a refreshing time! 

This morning I asked the big kids to watch Andrew while I got ready. They did a great job!!! How sweet is this?!  

The kids all have different ways they help me with the baby 
Anna-- she is ALWAYS pleased to throw away dirty diapers
Grace-- always eager to bring me the diapers and the wipes AND reinsert Andrew's pipe (see above picture)
Caleb-- my go getter. I say "go get ____" and he does

Having kids really does expose the sin in my heart.  It's pretty terrible to see, but I know it's good for me!  I always thought I would be this sweet, patient, loving mother who always loved(liked) her children and was kind and full of self control. Then I had children.  Well, really, then I had a NUMBER of children (the combo is killer).  The other day I told the kids they were NEVER allowed to go in the bathroom again *implication, not even to do their business* THAT is what a crazy person says.  I don't want to be a crazy person. ( I don't make a habit of empty, nonsense threats, but it was one of those days.... and seriously, STOP TOUCHING THE SOAP!!!)  Anyway, the point is not that they are so bad, but that I am so bad.  Praise the Lord he gives ME grace, because good grief do I need it, and it becomes clearer all the time!!!  (I needed it just as desperately as before, it's just that sometimes you see your sin more clearly than other times, know what I mean jelly bean?!) 

I'm in full blown purging mode again.  Basically I want to get rid of everything.  Does anyone else get a crazy feeling like that?! I'm really learning less is more.  For example, Andrew hardly has any clothes and we do just fine.  Well, most of the time. UNLESS I'm behind on laundry and then it's an emergency because of the whole spitting thing (yes, even with a bib).  I have to do laundry constantly even though I'm a BIG fan of wearing things again if they aren't dirty.  The PROBLEM is that our clothes often get dirty..... drat.

Did you know it's Saturday today? I had no idea what day it was.  Therefore, the kid's clothes are not laid out (which I ALWAYS do), and they aren't bathed.  The key for me in making Sunday morning smoother  (and being on time) is being prepared the night before.  Key to the preparation is knowing what day it is.... oops.

Over and out,


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