So, most of you I’m sure have heard the news. We are expecting #3 this November! WOW! I can’t believe I’m going to have a family the same size as the family I grew up with. Weird. Also, I just turned 27 Monday, and that’s officially upper 20s. I remember when we first moved to Mississippi– we had only been married for 6 months, I had just turned 22, and I met people who were 27 with children who had been married for 5 years or so, and I remember thinking they were REAL LIVE people. Now I am too. Oh, and our family is officially above average in America! Woo hoo!
In case you aren’t on facebook or just missed the announcement, I’ll put it on here.
Obviously, my children are SUPER excited. Especially Grace…. she totally gets it. NOT Caleb asked me if I would open my belly so he could see the baby. He was bummed when I said I couldn’t. He’s consistently said it’s a boy or brother every.time. He also at one point named the baby Salty. Well, that was after he tried naming him Caleb and then Grace. We said those names were already taken and he had to pick a different one…. that’s when he came up with Salty. And, in case you’re poor at math OR don’t feel like figuring it out, OR can’t remember how old Gracie is, I’ll tell you– Grace and the baby will be about 17 months apart.
And now I’ll do a number section….
1. The most common comment I’ve gotten BY FAR is “You’re going to be busy” Yep. I think they’re right. Maybe everyone who has mentioned that will offer to babysit at some point. HAHA!
2. If there was a third gender option for a child, I would guess this baby was that. This pregnancy is different from both of the other ones, and it’s REALLY throwing me off as to the gender of this child. And, I was right BOTH times so far, so there’s some major pressure to be right again. (pretty much from me only so I can continue to have bragging rights with Ben…) I guess I’ll have to guess boy or girl at some point… I just need more time.
3. I want a boy and a girl. I cannot decide. I want Caleb to have a brother because I always felt a little bad for my brother Alan that he only had two sisters…. but then I think that since Grace and he/she will only be 17 months a part maybe a girl would be better so they can be life-long friends. But then I remind myself that whatever I actually want or think I want is irrelevant because God has already determined the sex of this baby and ordained all of his/her steps. So, what a silly thing to think about.
4. I was convinced I was having twins when I found out I was pregnant. And so was Ben. It’s because my belly is enormous. I’ve been showing since like… 5 weeks. WHAT IS GOING ON?! But, it’s not twins. That’s actually a good thing. I don’t want to end up in the nuthouse at 27, and I think that’s where they’d take me if I had multiples (plus two others I mean… that would be 4 kids 3 and under….) OK, I probably actually could handle it because when you have them– you just HAVE to handle it. Amen?
5. My symptom that stands out with this baby is headaches– not every day, just more than I’d like… my headache on my birthday was bad enough that when we got to Olive Garden I threw up in the bathroom before we sat down. (How romantic!). And, there was someone else in there… so it was SUPER embarassing. But, I felt AMAZING after that. I actually felt like the person probably thought I was bulimic since they heard me throw up and then saw me exit the bathroom acting completely normal next to Ben. I felt uncomfortable….
6. I’m kind of wondering how many false alarms I’ll have before I have this baby– will I go to the hospital 12 times? 50? or will I be able to tell the difference between braxton hicks and the real deal? (In case you’re unaware, I was in labor for about 45 minutes with my last baby and I had her in my bathroom). Hopefully I’ll be able to tell the difference but just book it to the hospital after I have ONE stronger contraction. Yes, that’s my plan. This labor will probably be 16 hours long, and I’ll wish I stayed home longer. Who knows? I’m just trying not to feel anxious about it, and so far it’s going pretty well. Ben’s a bit more anxious about it…. hahahhahahhah. I’m sorry, it’s not funny.. but kind of.
7. And this is a friendly reminder to all those who interact with pregnant women. Comments like, “You look like you’re going to pop!” “You’re HOW far along?” “When are you due, next week?” “Are you sure you’re not having twins??” or with pity in your eyes, “You look SO tired!!” are not helpful. Unless of course with the tired comment you’re willing to back it up with– I’ll watch your kids all day and clean your house for you. So, please refrain from using those comments even if you mean well….. pregnant women everywhere will thank you. ;)
8. Caleb’s been sitting on the toliet for the past…. half hour? He REALLY wants to go and just can’t. It’s because I said we’d have cupcakes after he went. I probably shouldn’t have said that. But, I must say writing this has been really peaceful. HAHA
Alright, that’s all for now. I’m feeling so blessed to be the mother of THREE precious little ones, and I’m just praying that God will give me the strength I need to take care of them! I know He will!
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