I think this will be a picture heavy post..... so if that's not your thing, look away! ;)
A couple weeks ago there was a nice day (can you believe it?!). I decided I should take the kids to the zoo, so I called my parents to join us! We usually go to Lincoln Park Zoo because we're cheapskates.... but then my mom heard from someone that you can get FREE passes to Brookfield zoo at the library (in IL that is)! My mom picked up some of those for us, so going to Brookfield turned out to be cheaper than going to Lincoln Park..... and let's get real, Brookfield zoo is superior.
Caleb LOVED it, and Grace loved being in the stroller. It was a great day.
Mom and I were super impressed with the camels. Caleb may have liked the fence more... I'm not sure.
I'm obsessed with her bonnet.
I find this picture hilarious. Grace was eating and pulling dad's hair, and my mom was making sure my dad didn't drop Grace.
They had such a neat place for the giraffes! Caleb thought it was SUPER neat because that's his favorite animal, and they were SO close! It was also hilarious because they had trees painted on the wall and the one giraffe kept licking the wall. It was amazing... like how long has he lived there? Does he STILL not get that it's not really a tree?!? It's the giraffe in the back behind the fence..... see him?
And, remember how my Grandma was finishing off the quilt for Caleb's room? Well, she did!! And doesn't it look simply marvelous!? And isn't it nice how some of the drawers aren't shut, and one of the bins is missing from the shelf, and there's pjs on the dresser and a few clothes and a couple of children on the floor? I'm just trying to be real.... and unfortunately it gets much messier than that on a regular basis.....
We go to the park when it's nice.... (so rarely) but Grace LOOOOOVES the swing. It is so fun to push her in there. Ben hates this hat. I don't think it's THAT bad...
Grace was tormenting my Grandma's dog at coffee time. She wasn't scared at all.... just grabby... and the dog was trying to stay away from her..
And finally, you may have seen this picture on facebook. I've been using this thing as a stroller lately. No, I'm not cool enough to run with it or strong enough to bike with it... so a stroller it is! Since a lot of our walks are in the cold, I LOVE using this because there's a plastic flap that you can put over their "window", so they stay warm! It's BRILLIANT. It also pushes super easy.
It's SO SWEET when they are in there together!.... well until Caleb yells, "NO GRACE! NO! NO! NO!" But really he was only doing that this week when he turned into nasty Caleb. We don't like nasty Caleb. at. all. We prefer sweet Caleb. He's been sick for a week, and he hasn't been sleeping well because his nose is stuffy and he's been up coughing.... I think the combination of sleep deprivation and having a nose you can't blow brought out the absolute WORST in him. (Which also reminds me-- I need a good idea of how to teach Caleb to blow his nose. I even googled it... no luck.) And, I know it was probably very, very miserable for him. But. Wow. It was horrifying. Like... he threw a REAL LIVE tantrum because his movie was off. And you know what? I spanked him anyway. Because I don't care if you're sick and dying, you can't ever ever ever ever act like that. ever. Got it? Ever. Glad we're clear on that. I hope he is too.
I think our house is getting better, and unless I get sick, I think we might actually be able to go to church Sunday!! Although, Caleb woke up with gunk in his eye, and now I'm freaking out that he has PINK EYE! Oh, please no!! We have been there, done that... and I don't want to do it again. I can't wait for things to feel normal again. But, it reminds me of how blessed we were all Winter getting by with just a few runny noses!
I'll leave you with a part of the Proverb of the day, which is Proverbs 1 (because today is May 1). And you know, you could start reading one every day because there's 31 and 31 days in May. Perfect, isn't it? And, you could start reading them to your children because they are practical and teach us how to live wisely... and how/why to stay away from the wayward woman, and bad friends, and being lazy, and the list goes on!
Proverbs 1:7- "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowlege: fools despise wisdom and instruction."
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