"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Sunday, January 14, 2018

Anna's birthday, Salvation army, & Family fun nights!

Hey! Basically I can't do a catch up, because it's just been way too long.  So I'm going to have to do some highlights from the last few months.

Let's start with August.  We moved in August closer to our church.  Best idea ever. I love the location, the house... everything.  Although I hate moving with all that I am, I am so glad we did it.  

Then... November.  Anna Sue turned three and although it's my least favorite age so far (with all the kids), she really is the sweetest/snuggliest/coziest kid there is.  By the way, this picture is in our new house. Which I love.

Let's move on to the Christmas Season, shall we?  I was at Penny's for something, and as I walked out, I noticed a Salvation Army person.  So, I quickly scrambled into my purse to see what I had on hand since I generally do not carry cash. I reached in and pulled out four quarters (nice!), and went to drop them in the red bucket.  As I put my hand to the bucket, the Salvation Army worker put his hand out, grabbed the change and PUT IT IN HIS POCKET.
So I asked him....

Me:  Did you just put that in your pocket?!?!
SA guy:  Yes, they're not going to count it at the end of the day.  They only count the cash.
Me: So you're just keeping it??
SAguy: Yes, I'm going to go buy a pop with it.

I put my hand out to get my money back, which he was very willing to return.  You know, I wasn't really interested in buying this guy an overpriced drink for his lunch break. Although his honesty was quite hilarious and did cause me to consider just letting him have it (though I think he was a lunatic).  You know, I can find a lot better things to spend a buck on than a pop though, seriously.  Like, dollar store sunglasses? I may have let him keep it for that.

It came out after more discussion that he had a certain goal he was supposed to reach for the day and apparently coins don't count toward his total. However, it sounded like Salvation Army does count the change but the person who raises it doesn't get the credit. Honestly to me that makes no sense, so I think he was confused. Oh and then I asked him if he got paid to do that because I've been under the impression they were all volunteer workers (anyone else think that?) and he told me he got 8 bucks an hour. Once again, very honest. ;)

It was pretty much ridiculous, and I walked away laughing, like seriously? The Salvation army man just tried to swipe my change?! How much change is in his pockets by the end of his shift?

 December: We did some family decorating of the tree. It really gets more fun each year with the kids getting bigger.  I cannot believe how huge my children are.

And lately, I've started (maybe monthly?) A FAMILY FUN NIGHT!  I was feeling like it's so easy to just get stuck in to a rut in the evenings, just waiting around for bedtime and not being intentional about spending time together.  I think my motivation came from reading Sally Clarkson's book "The Lifegiving Table" because it talked a lot about making home a nice place for your family and making fun memories with your kids etc. So, I decided one day that we would have family fun night which would include make your own pizzas, family hide and go seek, a boys vs. girls scavenger hunt, and a movie from the library with popcorn.  I talked it up ALL week long and even got Ben excited about it.  It was a total blast.  Mostly because the girls won the scavenger hunt... just kidding! (We did win though.... and me making the scavenger hunt is totally irrelevant, don't let Ben tell you otherwise.) And now we've had two more since then.  I plan family fun night at the beginning of the month and say it's on the calendar and cannot be changed-- because it's so easy to just push things like that aside.  Anyway, Ben's family ended up being in town for the second one, and yes, Ben's entire family played hide and go seek with us, and we made Gingerbread houses before watching the old fashioned version of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".  You can tell Grace is pretty excited about it.  And Uncle Jim who I'm just noticing also made it into the picture.

Lastly, I'm so grateful that didn't get strep this fall and have escaped it so far this Winter.  Praise the Lord.  Being healthy is such a blessing.  

I'm going to end it there because it's past my bedtime. Thanks for reading!

Good night!

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