"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Monday, June 1, 2015

10 ok, 11 ways to make dinner more enjoyable for everyone!

Dear Moms and dads,
I know that dinner can be hard for you to enjoy sometimes because often your children are running around like wild animals and no one wants to eat the food you've made.  There is lots of shouting, chaos and whining.  Since that's not fun for anyone, I wrote out 10 ways to make dinner more enjoyable for you and your family.  Please remember, you are the parent and your child is the child.  You CAN have rules that your children follow, and you should.
So, here they are.
1. Have dinner time with the whole family and make it a priority. (It doesn’t have to be EVERY day.... but a lot of days-- or pick a meal where everyone is home together if you have a weird work schedule. =))
2. Require everyone to sit at the table the ENTIRE meal.  Yes, from the beginning to the end.  (unless of course they’re causing a huge problem in which case removing them to a different, boring spot would be appropriate.... like when Grace is screaming and fussing at the table, we put her in her crib or put her highchair in a different room)  Requiring them to sit in their seat after they are finished eating waiting for others to finish is a good lesson. I want my kids to care about others. Also, kids need to LEARN to sit still.  If you let them run wild, they will.
3. Require everyone to eat the meal you’ve prepared. It’s not an option.  Kids can eat what you’ve prepared. I promise.
4. Limit snacks before dinner.  If you are having issues with kids not eating the meal, don’t let them have any food after lunch.  They will not starve between lunch and dinner no matter how dramatic they are, seriously.  Hungry kids eat better than full kids.  Make sense, doesn’t it?
5. If they don’t eat their meal don’t let them have anything else (Especially not dessert...). A lot of kids don’t eat dinner because they know if they hold off they’ll get something they like better later.
6.  Do not allow them to whine and fuss about what you’ve prepared and stop letting them choose what they want.  Make them a plate of food and hand it to them. No I'm not joking.   Dads... you can say,“This meal is delicious! Thanks for making it for us”  If dad is fussing, your kids will too.
7. Start slow if your kids are older and this is new.  Sit your kids down and tell them your new rules for the table and the consequences for not following them and be consistent.  They’ll get it.  They really will.
8. Use dinner time to talk about everyone’s day and let each person have a chance to say what they did, how they’re doing. etc Don't allow shouting and interrupting-- it's highly unpleasant for everyone.
9. Have family worship and involve your kids with questions, let them comment, and even sing songs!
10. Be on the same page as your spouse when it comes to dinner expectations!
ok, I'll throw in #11
11. Don't make gross food that no one likes. ;)
Dinner time should be a FUN family time, not a nightmare for everyone.  Train your kids to enjoy it and to enjoy food.  They’ll miss out if they’re picky forever....  Oh, and they'll make MUCH better dinner guests.

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