Happy Wednesday!
Monday was a SUPER great day, so I'll tell you about it.
1. I went grocery shopping by myself (I do this every Monday, but it's still amazing)
2. At Aldi the price of Hershey bars went down. YES!!! And, if you know me, you know I eat a lot of Hershey bars. In fact, I just finished one. It helps me blog...??? Whatever.
3. The checkout guy at Walmart tried to scan MY coffee mug ....again. HAHAHAHA. It gets me every time. Seriously. It doesn't even phase them that it's full when they pick it up.
4.. Ben was home all day. So, Monday is usually a good day anyway.
5. Ben and I got to go on a date (that's TWO Mondays in a row..... crazy!)! We went to Bd's Mongolian Grill (which you may have seen on facebook), and it was DELICIOUS. If you sign up for their Club Mongo, you get a FREE birthday meal. That's a great deal... because Bd's ain't cheap!
6. Ben got me a mini ipad for my birthday, and it came Monday. It was a HUGE surprise. He felt bad he broke the last one because although it was "his" I used it ALL the time for cooking. I usually cook from the internet, and having the computer in the kitchen is kind of hard.... and dangerous for spilling. I thought it was so sweet of him. Plus, he knows I would never buy one or say I wanted one. It's better if he just gets it for me. ;) He's the best. And not just because he got me a present. He's was the best before that... it just REMINDED me. haha. I'm just kidding.
7. We went bowling after Bd's.... and I bowled a 74! I know...super bad. I think I was distracted by the high schoolers next to us acting like the F word was a perfectly normal adjective to use.
8. We stopped at Ikea too, and I bought more plastic plates, cups, bowls, and silverwear. I LOVE their kid dishes. The bad part was seeing someone wearing a shirt with the F word on it. Ben and I decided that should be illegal. That's JUST what I want people to be wearing when Caleb starts learning to read...... ?? "Hey Mom, what does F**** mean?!" No thanks.
Now, let's talk about bathrooms (I like when subjects flow naturally after all......). I find it frustrating that restaurants have to have cutsey names on their bathroom doors. I prefer walking into the bathroom with TOTAL confidence. My favorite sign is a picture of a lady in a dress with a "WOMEN" sign above or below it. You know why? Because I never question if I'm going in the right door.
We go to Northwoods occassionally and I think I've got it now, but the first 5 times I went, I had a panic attack every time because the door says "Doe". I know, I know, everyone knows doe is a female deer. BUT, you do NOT want to walk in the wrong bathroom, so even if you think you know it, you second guess yourself. (I am QUEEN of second guessing myself and freaking out) I seriously sang "Doe a deer, a FEMALE deer" every time before entering. Why do they do that to me? Bd's had "Mongals" on the door. It's OK, but you have to focus for a second to be sure. Ben said he once went to a place where they had the male and female signs-- you know, the arrow or the cross on the bottom. Those were the ONLY signs for the bathroom. I burst out laughing-- that is CRAZY!!! If you are unsure of the signs google "gender signs". I just did it (since I'm second guessing my description of the signs...). Don't worry, wickipedia just informed me of all the additional gender signs. Apparently you can be "other" or be genderless. Interesting.
Speaking of gender.... I know that the world thinks you can be genderless, but since I know better, I have decided whether the child in my womb is a boy or a girl. My official guess is... GIRL! So, we'll see. Ben is guessing boy, so we have to decide what kind of bet to make. The other day someone asked Caleb about his siblings, and he said he had a brother in mama's belly. HAHA! Girl would be easier since I already have my name picked out. Ben says it's my pick (within reason obviously) since he picked the last two. =)
Since we haven't had a picture yet, I better add one.... Here's my sweet little peanut! She has a bruise on her cheek from banging it on a drawer, and then yesterday she crawled into the corner of the wall and got the gash on her forehead. Accident prone? Hmm.... weird. Wonder where she got that? Probably Ben......;)
That's all. Hope you have a good Wednesday! Tonight we go cheer daddy on at his softball game!
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