"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Monday, June 1, 2015

My latest undertaking...

SO recently I was introduced to something that made my life way easier.  It's called Norwex. Have you heard of it?  Here's the order of events: 1. I went to a Norwex party 2. I wanted to buy everything in the catalog, but since that wasn't very reasonable I decided to... 3. Throw my own party where I 4. Got tons of their products And now 5. I clean with their stuff weekly and don't dread cleaning even CLOSE to what I used to. 6. I recently signed up to be a consultant (it was free this month, so if I bomb, there's no consequence- I like to have no pressure), so now I am pretty much a businesswoman.  I told Ben I'm practically an entrepreneur!! But he said..."No you're not.  Maybe if you would have STARTED Norwex."  What a downer.  I GUESS he's right though.  To be an entrepreneur apparently you have to "take on some greater than normal financial risks"... and I haven't taken any.  Whatever, that's not important.
I'll tell you what I love about Norwex in case you haven't heard about it.
You don't use chemicals.  I like that.  It's just kind of common sense to realize that spraying chemicals everywhere CAN'T be that good for you.  Right??
You clean WAY faster.  I was skeptical that it would save me time.... but their products really, truly, for real save me tons of time cleaning.  I don't have time to take forever cleaning-- I've got two little kids... almost three! We've got a lot of other stuff to do!
I'll tell you about a couple products I LOVE. First, the envirocloth--it's a microfiber cloth (If you want to read more about the details of the cloth, here's a link that tells you all about it http://www.healthyhomecleaning.com/norwex-microfiber-enviro-cloth/)... it is amazing because it cleans anything and everything.  For example, I have a lot of carpet stains (some are my fault, some were here when we bought the house).  I can scrub them out with my envirocloth.  I also can clean my bathroom (like the whole honking thing-- shower, sink, counter, toliet) with the cloth.  And it sparkles when I'm finished! I can clean my counters where I've just spilled chicken juice, I can dust my living room, I can clean a blood stain off my clothes!! You only put WATER on it. The window cloth is amazing too, because you can clean your windows in record time and leave them streak free.  I know they work well because when my kids put their hands and get fingerprints on the window, I don't have a complete meltdown ;)
Is it sounding too good to be true?  I know, I felt the same way.  But, I ordered myself the envirocloth and window cloth at a party, and I've been hooked ever since.  And so is Caleb. ;)
I also was telling everyone about Norwex because it has significantly improved my attitude toward cleaning... and I figured, if I'm going to sell it, I might as well sell it.  Amen?
I won't be dominating the blog with Norwex talk, but I wanted to let you in on my latest.... adventure?  I'm really excited to start selling this, doing parties, and continue eliminating all the chemicals I currently use.
Do you think I'm crazy? I might be.... but I also clean my house really fast and am not coughing while I clean the bathroom from inhaling Lysol.  (is that a problem for anyone else??  I normally cough ESPECIALLY when I'm cleaning the shower)
If you want to order anything, you can go to my site http://www.norwex.biz/pws/melaniekappers/tabs/home.aspx  OR if you want to help me get started and host a party, that'd be great too!  I hosted a party a while back and got A LOT of free stuff.  It was totally worth it!
Let me know if you're interested in hearing more too.  AND, I'll be doing my first party soon, so you can let me know if you want to come to that to learn more! =)
That's all for now.

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