"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Monday, June 1, 2015


So, recently I came across something called ebates.  It is a site that claims to give cash back on your internet purchases.  I felt a little bit weird about it.... but then gave it a try anyway.  UM.... it's BRILLIANT, and I've gotten a check and a giftcard in the mail from them, so I KNOW it's real. Bascially, before you buy anything online, you go to ebates.com.  You look through their stores and click the one you want. (There are A LOT of different stores on there...)  It will tell you how much cash back you get for that store.  Sometimes different stores have double cash back-- it just depends on the week.  Anyway, you click on the store you want, and it directs you to their site... and THAT'S IT.  Seriously.  It's not really a hassle at all and you earn cash back!  I use it all the time-- like when you buy on Amazon (which is currently 5% back!!)... or at Christmas it was really helpful.  It's just nice to get a little bit of a discount when buying online.  The only negative thing is that you get a lot of e-mails from them.... but my brother, who I referred a while ago, said that he changed it so he only gets them once a week.... so really, I guess that's not a problem at all!  To sign up or see what it's about click here.  And you know what else!?!  When you sign up you pick where you want a $10 giftcard from (there's like 4 store choices I think, Target, Walmart, Kohls... etc.)!! I do think with the gift card thing you have to buy something within a certain time frame or it starts losing money-- I'm not positive on that.....
You're welcome.  ;)  I actually first read about this through southernsavers.com, which is a coupon/thirfty website I sometimes look at.  I used to be more faithful with reading it, but sometimes the drug store coupon thing overwhelms me.  Maybe I'm just lazy.
I've been meaning to mention this for a while since I feel like it's a really easy way to save, and I know a lot of you reading are into great deals =).
Stay tuned because tomorrow (I think) I'm posting about Caleb's Birthday BASH.  There were a whopping 6 people there!  You won't want to miss it.... ;)

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