SO, we're going to have to backtrack a little. OK? My college roommates came out a couple?few? (can't remember) weeks ago to have a little reunion. It.was.a.blast.
There were 5 out of 6 present-- not bad eh?! Between the five of us, we had 5 kids and 2 in the womb. I caught Caleb and Silas reading together and HAD to snap a picture. How cute is this?! (Caleb had some issues sharing about 3 seconds after I snapped the picture, so don't give them too much credit...)
After spending all day with the kids at my house, we thought we could use some girl time away. SO, we went out for dinner with just us girls!! And then after dinner, most of us (one had to go back to Michigan) went to Kohls and for icecream because we weren't QUITE ready to end it. Amy (far left) and I found clearance maternity clothes-- we're talking like $2-$3 a shirt. BOO YA! That's not something we did in college.... hahahaha ;)
And then, Hand foot and mouth disease is over in our house (PRAISE THE LORD), but I will include a picture of Caleb's feet in case you're just not quite sure what these spots look like.... PLUS, I hear it's really really going around, so you can be on the lookout on your own kiddos... (although I'm sure not everyone looks the same...) Are you impressed by my picture? You should be... getting a three year old to put his feet up WITHOUT shaking them is quite an accomplishment I'd say.
I've been feeling like cleaning out lately... maybe it's because baby #3 is coming... maybe it's because I feel like we have too much stuff. It doesn't really matter... the point is, I've been cleaning out cabinets and trying to GET RID of stuff. It's going pretty well... although my back isn't cooperating lately, so I've had to take FREQUENT breaks. (And I don't FEEL like taking frequent breaks....) Anyway, I cleaned out Caleb's closet this week, and it will help me feel better about myself to show you ;) Doesn't it look nice?!

Speaking of Caleb, he has this amazing tricycle that a sweet couple in Baileyville gave us. He LOVES riding it. Yesterday we went all the way to Great Gram's house (from my parent's house of course)... but it was a pretty long way for him!

And, I just have to include a picture of the sweetest little girl in the whole world. She's wearing her Jamaican dress my parent's got her on vacation. (the straps are a bit big...)
And then yesterday since my kids were wearing their Jamaican outfits, I thought it'd be nice to have a picture with them..... This is how our picture attempts usually go. (and also why I don't have many pictures of me and the kids....)
This one they both were sucking their thumbs and it's blurry....(if I get another thumb sucker, that will make for a REALLY good picture, won't it?)
This is just very typical....
This one I have a weird look on my face, Caleb isn't looking, and Grace is crying (although it COULD look like she was maybe sort of smiling)

And, this was the best we got..... Sorry Grace. You blew it...(you may think I blew it too, but that's about the best I can do lol... let's hope my kids are more photogenic than me....) The important part is their clothes-- aren't they fun?
And the other day we were playing a game, and I felt I had to take a picture of them together.... (HAHAHHAHAHHAHA)
The other day I posted on things to do with Caleb. Someone mentioned tracing letters... and it was someone who has a kid pretty much exactly Caleb's age. So yesterday, I made an A and asked Caleb to trace it.... I actually HELPED him on the big A and it was still that bad. The top one he did by himself...
Should I be concerned!??!?!?!? hahahhahahah. He's always been SUPER bad at coloring... so, I guess I'm not surprised. But then I think... I AM his mother, and I'm still bad at coloring...
And finally I'll leave you with a story that doesn't really have anything to do with anything... I went through the Culver's drive thru lately.... and the guy who ran my food out to me stood there reading my receipt to me before handing me my food. Does this SEEM like a good idea? Sure! Is it? No.
Well.... Reading my receipt does not guarantee that what he's reading is actually in my bag. Just because he says "Two double cheeseburgers" doesn't mean that's what's in there. I mean really. Also reading my receipt does not guarantee that there's ketchup on my burger.... or cheddar cheese. (And yes, he read ALL of it) The only thing reading my receipt before giving me my food guarantees is that my food will get cold faster. hahaha ;) I know, I'm ridiculous... but seriously, I NEED my food to be hot. And my coffee.... which is why I reheat it approximately 345 times a day...
Thanks for listening. I'm going to go reheat my coffee (seriously).
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