"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Monday, June 1, 2015

My eyes have problems. Big problems.

Photo on 2014-06-17 at 20.50
My eyes have problems.  And guess what?  It's my children's fault.  I went to the eye doctor a while ago (a few months?) and he basically told me this is my lot in life-- TO BE STUCK IN GLASSES FOREVER.  Isn't that terrible?  He told me that people with my problem (hormones from being pregnant throwing off my eyes and making them SUPER dry) usually can get by wearing contacts through the first pregnancy but then have more issues the more kids they have.  I only had a little trouble during my pregnancy with Grace but basically wore contacts the entire time (and at that time I had no idea pregnancy  had anything to do with it).  At this last appointment after I was hearing this HORRIBLE news, I yelled at the eye doctor... "BUT CHILDREN ARE SUPPOSED TO BE A BLESSING!!!" and he yelled back.... "BUT, WE'RE UNDER THE CURSE!!" Amen?  Amen.  My hope.... my DREAM, is that once I have this baby, I can somehow get back into contacts.  And if I can't get back into contacts....... I guess I'll be in glasses forever since those are pretty much my options.  No glasses isn't a good idea for me since I can't see anything.  It's an emergency.  The other day I thought maybe I'd just try contacts again for a few hours or something because I figured MONTHS was long enough for my eyes to rest.... UM, it was a REALLY bad decision..... my eyes were burning so bad I could hardly get the contacts out again.  I don't think I'll be trying THAT again for a while.  I'll look on the bright side for a moment-- it's one less step before I can go to bed.  That's probably the only benefit of glasses.  Feel free to offer encouragement or a note of why you love glasses.
Pregnancy/bearing children can REALLY do a number on your body, can't it?! But you know what?  Children are the best thing ever, so no matter if it's vericose veins, being stuck in glasses, stretch marks, or one of a million other possible ailments, it's still worth it. Totally.  So, I won't gripe about it.  Maybe.  I'll try not to..... but when Grace grabs my glasses and puts her fingers on them and suddenly I can't see, or tries to rip them off my face when I'm holding her, OR even somehow gets them off my face and starts swinging them around while I'm trying to get them back as carefully as possible, it's REALLY hard not to have a meltdown.  Little kids + glasses = disaster. And I'm a mother of little kids... probably for a while.
Now that you know WHY I would choose to wear glasses, I hope you've learned, I didn't. HAHA. It happened to me. And now, I will leave you with a pretty funny video about going to the eye doctor.  It's funny because if you've been to the eye doctor, you can relate. It's from an overall pretty clean comedian, and that's pretty hard to come by, but he does say a couple words I wouldn't =) Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I had no idea that was even a possibility. When I was pregnant I ended up switching to glasses anyways due to unbearable morning sickness. I didn't even have the energy to put my contacts in. Almost made me consider other avenues of eye care after having my young one - but I went right back to contacts! All the best to your contacts conundrum! And you're right they definitely are blessings!

    Jennifer Bell @ Clarity Vision - Smithfield, NC
