So much has happened since I've posted last... I mean (other than the birth story), that was waaaaaay back in November! That was prebaby, and that seems like forever ago!
So, how is life with three, three and under? Thanks for asking! It's fine... except when all of them are crying and Ben's not home. But, I'll echo everyone else I've heard and say, its WAY easier than going from 0-1 or 1-2. Oh, and I'm thrilled because I hear from now on having more is a BREEZE ;). I'm surviving mostly because Anna is a nice little baby. I mean, when she's fed, napped, and changed, she has nothing to cry about. She loves her bouncy seat and her mobile, so we use those often when she's awake! I'm SO thankful she's not sitting there crying when she's not being held.... like a different baby I know. (not to name names or anything, but the child's name starts with a G and ends in a race...) This is how we remember Grace.
hahahhahahhahha. How hilarious is that picture? Caleb's face makes me laugh out loud. He was such a confused little boy.
Of course, she didn't stay that way. Now she's our spunky little stinker, who is usually QUITE a happy girl. And BONUS, she loves Anna. Sometimes the "love" is a bit... um, dangerous? For example, her kisses have twice turned into some biting action. Anna doesn't like that.
She gets a little carried away sometimes. But, Anna doesn't mind normal kisses, even when her face is sopping wet after! I'm not sure how long that will continue, but for now, we're all happy. Caleb also loves Anna. He, however, would rather keep playing than pay too much attention to her. Oh unless of course we're praising Grace for loving her sister, and then suddenly he becomes VERY interested in loving her too.
Sometimes I forget that Caleb doesn't know anything. As in, he hasn't lived long enough to know anything. Like when he tries to kiss Anna when he has a hacking cough and just rubbed snot all over his hand (bad idea, DUH!!). Or, like today when we had Wendy's for lunch and the drive thru lady had tatoos all over her arm and Caleb asked me "what's all over her arm mom!?!" and I had to explain tattoos to him. He told me he loved them, so I told him they can never ever ever ever go away. Then he asked why there was a couch by the side of the road (good question, they belong in the living room!), so I explained how people put them out when they don't want them anymore and ANYBODY who wants it can come get it. I was even thinking that was cool. Although 3 is seriously the worst age ever (so far), there are some things I like about it. I like how I can start explaining things to him, and he can understand them. I like how he's my helper with the little girls. I like that he can do things on his own without constant supervision. And, I like that he's old enough to have fun with dad outside but young enough not to realize that wearing mom's pink/purple 10 year old scarf isn't cool ;) HAHHAHA!
And, since Anna is almost 9 weeks, I want to give another shout out to babywise. My little peanut gave me a beautiful 10 hour stretch last night, and I owe it to following that book. It has worked with all three of my kids now, and I'm SO THANKFUL for a friend who told me about it before I had Caleb. Having kids who are predictable and nap/sleep well, is a HUGE relief for a mother!!! I highly recommend reading it. I don't recommend asking people on babycenter about it. They're crazy.
Well, I suppose that's all for now. I need to go do some laundry before the kids wake up!
Thanks for listening,
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