"For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God. Teach me your way, O LORD, that I may walk in your truth; unite my heart to fear your name. I give thanks to you, O Lord my God, with my whole heart, and I will glorify your name forever." Psalm 86 10-12

Monday, June 1, 2015

Before and after Grace's room


I've been meaning to do a before and after of Grace's room for.... months.  Oops.  I've been putting it off because I was hoping to get new closet doors since it currently has an empty opening.  The bummer is that the standard size closet doors don't seem like they fit.  DOGS.  I need to call someone who knows what they're doing to come look at what I'm dealing with. But, I have issues making a phone call.  I thought I'd post it anyway since who knows WHEN I'll get around to that.
Grace's room started off as the office when we moved in and quickly turned into "the horrible room".  It was the room where I threw all the stuff I didn't know what to do with.  I don't have pictures of all that was in it before because I didn't think about a before and after until after I had already removed everything. (BLAST! Pretty sure I've done that before.... =( )  But, just picture a bookcase, a junky desk, a lazy boy, a filing cabinet, and then a bunch of STUFF.
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The first thing I did was paint the woodwork white.  It was all full of paint and scratches. It looked gross, trust me.
Then, this summer friends of ours from Bailevyille dropped by.  Dean is an excellent painter, and he painted the trim for me.  I was afraid to paint along the woodwork after I had just painted it fearing I would splatter paint all over the fresh white! Oh, and along the ceiling-- that's HARD, and who feels like taping all of it?? It was a HUGE HELP.  Go Deano go!
After he did the hard work, I rolled on some gray.  I LOVE the color!! Thanks to all those on facebook who helped me decide on a neutral gray.  It was a great decision.  And... TA DA!!
I bought the crib bedding from a buy/swap/sell site and the pictures at a garage sale this summer. I got those wall decals at Target, aren't they cute?!
20141022_085734IMG_20150202_101603356In the corner on the right, you can see the doors I was hoping would be closet doors...  Oh and her blinds I moved to her room from the nursery (the blinds the previous owners had).  They're bent and kind of stinky, but since she's rather destructive, I thought it best to have bad blinds in her room for now.  That way if they get folded and messed up, I won't be upset.  I know, brilliant.IMG_20150202_101453157One day, shortly after I finished the room, I had Grace in her gate (one of those playyard things).  The little stinker, instead of playing with the AMAZING toys I had in the gate, decided to reach out her little fingers and RIP APART the beautiful decals.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Do you also see the bite marks on the crib?!  The girl I bought it from had it in PERFECT condition for FOUR years.  We have it one month, and look!
And, there's what's left of it.... Booooo.20141111_124709
What a ding-dong.
Anyway, the room still looks muuuuuch better even with the mangled decals and blemished crib =)
Thanks for listening.  Maybe one day the closet will be able to shut.  But, until then, Grace is not allowed unsupervised in her room.

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