I just looked, and I haven't posted since FEBRUARY!! Shame on me! I've been busy, that's my only excuse. And, there's always something to do around here that seems more important than blogging. But, I've missed it, so I thought I'd check back in... even though I currently have wash in the washer and a huuuuge pile of clothes that need to be sorted. (Don't you love changing seasons?! I always thought I did... but with three kids plus me and Ben I'm not loving it as much)
So, what's new since Feburary? Um, a million things. I'm going to have to skip most of them otherwise this blogpost will never end. Plus, I probably can't remember most of what's happened anyway.
A while ago we went to bellaboos. It was really fun! I asked my mom to come along, because I wasn't sure I could keep up with everyone while we were there, and looking back it's REALLY good she came along. (especially when I needed to nurse Anna.)
The kids had SO much fun playing with the water. Especially Grace. I'm pretty sure she could have spent the entire time there. She was soaking wet by the end-- those aprons don't do much. I also watched a kid try to steal a toy from her, and boy did she hold her own. One look and he backed off. I was amazed... and kind of horrified that she has that ability before the age of two.

Caleb's favorite was playing in the ball pit, but he also liked the face paint. Doesn't he look fantastic!??! So creative. "I'll paint my ENTIRE face black!" Once he started, he just couldn't stop. He was even drawing on his face with BOTH hands. Cool Caleb. Super cool.
And this was Caleb's face when it was time to remove the face paint. I mean REALLY!??! I let him keep it on most of the day.

Then let's skip ahead a bit to Caleb's birthday. He's FOUR! We had a birthday bash at our house a few days after his birthday. Normally I have a plan of what a birthday party is going to look like or what theme I want. We've done Pirates, puppies, Sesame street... but this year a week or so before Caleb's birthday I thought. "Oh yeah, I should probably have a birthday party." Then the day before the party I remembered I needed a cake. I know, it was really bad ?? I decided to just make an easy chocolate cake (hershey's recipe-- it's so good and normally not hard)
Here's how it turned out. HAHHAHAHHAHAHHA. I ran out of cocoa, so I knew it was too late to make another. Not sure what in the world happened!?! 

And yes, below is the finished product. I actually brought this cake into the room with candles to sing Happy Birthday to Caleb. The good news? My guests (My parents, my grandparents, and my great Aunt) were very forgiving. I'm pretty sure the birthday boy didn't notice. He was just excited to eat cake. So, if anyone feels bad about their birthday cake failures-- just look at mine, and I'm sure you'll feel better.
We got Caleb this Busytown game for his birthday. He loves it- and I really enjoy playing it with him. Win win!! It's especially fun because he knows the busytown characters from a book someone gave us a while back. We have to play it when Gracie is sleeping or in her gate though because otherwise she tries to play, and that doesn't go well.
Gracie has been talking up a storm lately. She is really into books and is constantly saying.. "a wead wead wead wead a booka?" (repeat 321 times). She puts "a" (pronounced uh) on everything she says. "I kissa da cow". In the car the other day I heard her saying "ATCH mama, atch" I turned around and she did some wacky trick with her legs. Then guess what she said? "ATCH mama ATCH!!" so I turned around and she did it again....and again and again. We've already entered the "LOOK MOM!" phase. Caleb is still on it, so I'm thinking this early start isn't necessarily a good thing ;)
Lately Caleb has been greeting Gracie in the morning when she wakes up and often jumps in the crib with her. Usually he brings books in and they read together. I like it (usually unless someone starts screaming) because it keeps them occupied for a few more minutes before I have to start taking care of them. Oh, and they both need me to get out. So really, we have a good thing going. HAHAHA. Actually the other day Caleb was playing on Grace's floor, and I think she wanted to be by him so badly she fell out of the crib. Oops. It was fairly traumatic, so we've had no problems since. YES! I LOVE natural consequences!

And some days I'll put Anna in there. They reeeeaaaallly like that. I must say, they LOVE their baby sister.

There's not much else going on around here. Hopefully I can be blogging a bit more often this summer, but we'll see.
Thanks for listening,
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